Breastfeeding - Babies weight - Bottle


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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I would be very grateful if you could post your babys weight, how you fed the baby (bottle, breast) and how long you kept up breastfeeding and when you introduced formula (either part or full).
I had a 9lb 3oz baby and am curious if this was a factor in my not being able to breastfeed. My 2nd baby is due in August and im in 2 minds about doing it again. Part of me thinks I should try it, part of me thinks sod it, It didnt work the first time its not going to work with a baby of equal weight or bigger.
Thank you people!

Laura (missing starbucks)
Right I have had 2 quite big babies....

Mason was born 8lb 6 and was breastfed for 6 months before formula was introduced. He was above the 99th centile the whole time!

Brody was born 8lb 2oz and is exclusively breastfed. He's currently 13lb and is 8 weeks old.

Don't know if that helps you or not :)

Aidan weight at birth was 11lb 4 oz. I have breastfed him and still am which surprised me because I thought I wouldnt be able to because of my age (im 41) and his size but it has gone really well.

He is now 8 weeks old and was weighed yesterday and was 14lb.

Hope this helps xxx

Ragna xxxx
Reece was 7lb 6oz. I only managed to breastfeed him for 4 days before I put him on formula. I felt so guilty but I couldn't cope with the constant feeds and he always seemed hungry! I have so much respect for all the women who do feed their babies cos I know how hard and demanding it is. IMO
Coby was 9lbs 7oz born.

i breast fed for a week and he didnt lose or gain any weight.

then i swapped to botte (fomula) he was weighed again on thursday and he is now 10lbs 1oz
Hi ladies,
Thanks for the info so far. Its very interesting to see how everyone is different.

I would really like to breastfeed 2nd time round but I felt no guilt whatsoever with Jessica when I stopped after 9 days and hearts you mustnt either. Be in no doubt you have done what is best for 'your' baby at the time. I think guilt was replaced by relief that she stopped crying and seemed happier.
But the nagging feeling is there that I must try it again with baby 2.

Thanks for your help :D

Danielle was born weighing 6lb10

i breast fed for 3 months exclusively

after that i introduced one formula bottle aday til she was 4 months then stopped bf and formula fed only.

she put more weight on with breast milk than she has with formula i think
Ella was 6lb 8.5oz

I've been breastfeeding and have topped up with formula a handful of times when I've had mastitis. Now my milk supply has established itself and we seemed to have got it cracked at last (touch wood).

She's been putting on a decent amount of weight and last Tuesday when she was 4 weeks old she weighed 9lb 6.5oz, so has gained nearly 3lb. She's got to be well over 10lb by now!!
goodness rosieroo ella is doing great, rubie is the same age and same birth weight but only weighed 8lb on monday
Ella is a chuggy though, she just took 6oz of expressed milk (well at 8pm) and was still mouthing for the boobie! I never expected her to put on so much as a breastfed baby, my aunties baby put on single oz figures each week. Ella put on 1lb 2oz in 1 week. She's getting rolls on her legs and a proper lurkey chin!!
rubie has rolls of chins and pinchy cheeks but a really scrawny body lol, she has legs like pipe cleaners!!
Damien was born 5lb 13oz. He was tube/bottle/breast fed for 5 days (first 3 days formula with colostrum top up, 3rd day onwards expressed BM), stayed on bottles of expressed with ioccasional formula top ups til 3 weeks old when we had to feed exclusively with formula as my milk dried up. So he has been on formula for nearly 4 weeks now. On Monday he weighed 8lb 14oz, so gained 3lb in 6 weeks which is good :) - fat piggy!! :D

My OH was born 9lb 2oz and his brother 9lb 3oz and my MIL b/f them exsclusively till they were weaned so size shouldn't matter hun xx
I breast fed for about 3 days and then couldn't do it any longer, lucky really as my milk supply never kicked in, I didn't even get sore boobs or anything when I stopped feeding. Aaron was 8lb 8 and a half oz born and 3 weeks ago weighed 13lb 12oz which was told he doesn't weigh what he should but in the last 3 weeks he looks like he has balloned! I think in the space of 4 weeks when I get him weighed he'll be into 15lb easily.
Seren was 8lb6 at birth and at 5 weeks weighed 11lb 1/2 oz. She has been breastfed but gets an occasional top up of formila about 2-4 oz a day
Ava has been formula-fed from birth. She was born at 8lbs 1oz and at 5 months weighed in at 15lbs 14oz.
ewan was 8lb 1oz and has been breastfed for almost 6 months now. he has formula occasionally too.
I think you have to be quite commmited and reaaly want tto breastfeed to make it work as i could have given up so easily at times esp when he was feeding every hour!

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