If you really want to bf the. It's totally worth going before baby arrives. It's not easy in the early days, that's when you can have problems and may want to give up, but it's not exactly easy to get to a group with baby who's days old.
Many people will tell you they 'couldn't bf, but realistically the number of women who physically can't Is something like 1%, the real reason is they didn't have the correct information.
For example, Many people don't realise that cluster feeding is normal and doesn't mean baby isn't getting enough, the top up with formula and supply drops. Others don't realise that milk doesn't come in till day 3/4 or later, but colostrum is more than enough to start.
I only managed to feed with the help of nipple shields for the first 4months, I now know that it's likely my LO had a lip tie.
It's totally worth getting info before hand. I firmly believe in the 4th trimester - we follow all sorts of rules while we carry these little ones and bf has so many benefits for them that IMO we owe it to them to try, and any info that can help you do that is worth it (think about how much you check what foods you can't eat, or which pram to buy!)
Sorry for the rant - but a lack of decent education about bf in this country is a personal peeve of mine. Xxx
On my iPhone - so cant see tickers