Braxton hicks


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Really been noticing them today! To think a couple of weeks a go I was moaning about not having any! Lol
They defo feel harsher now!

He he mine have been bad today too! But my belly goes wide and hard weird!

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I'm feeling them more at the top but I think part of that is because he's right under my ribs!

i'm not sure if i have had any? do they feel like mini contractions? the only thing i get is when i'm on my feet for a little while my belly feels like its tightening a bit but not on and off like contractions then it goes away once i sit back down!
Aww it's so uncomfy init I got a bad one in b & q lol scared half the shop

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I've never had a contraction but I feel my bump tightening. I only recently started noticing them

It all good hun! All practice for the real thing. X

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
I just can't believe we've got babies in our bellys! My friend had one last week and I was looking at the picture of him with disbelief that, that little baby is what I have poking me about!!

I know it's crazy isnt it! Gonna be weird when they r here not in our bellies too

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4
Aww but plus side is all the lovely nummy and baby cuddles

Sent from my gorgeous iphone4

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