Braxton Hicks or Contractions?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi, i was just wondering if someone could remind me what contractions were like lol.

I know braxton hicks are tightenings and not painfull but tonight i was getting them very frequent 5,6,3,5,4,6 mins apart for example and when i had one i had pain low down across under my belly button that increased with the tightening and then eased. It seemed moreso when i was sat down rather than standing.

Also my baby has been quite a wriggler lately and last night i hadn't felt it move much, not today, i was going to ring my midwife and maybe get checked but i have felt it a few times just not so strong or as much as normal, if its still quiet tomorrow i'll get checked.

Also this morning i got up at 10am :oops: then about 11.15 felt all funny like light headed, sick, weak and shaky so i went back to bed from 11.30 till 1.30 :shock:

I have been getting aches really low down today and it gets painfull when i move around a lot.

Do you think these were BH or Contx's? should i get in touch with my midwife? i've checked babys HB on doppler and it seems ok.

I'm pretty sure i was getting painfull contx's or BH's the other night as i was aware of them thru the night and kept feeling my tummy.

With my others i have always been late but this time i have this mental thing about being early for some reason, even my mum said its like a panic i'm going to have it early :shock:

any help much appreciated, thanks
get checked - my BH were painful but never woke me :think:

and don't do what I dd and assume they're all BH....then end up in hospital where they put me on a monitor and asked why I hadn't mentioned the contractions :shock:

and nice to see you again :wave:
What is BPF?

And poas?

sorry just read these things a lot on here and have no idea what they mean...... :oops:
Hi Libs :wave:

Thanks. Things have calmed down this morning, i really did think things were starting last night but now i'm thinking its just my body panicking me into getting my bag etc ready lol.

I'm still getting the odd BH's but not painfull like last night. Got my midwife thursday so will check then unless they start up again, felt baby move too but move rather than kick, think it might have just changed position??

How you doing??
Christina1979 said:
What is BPF?

And poas?

sorry just read these things a lot on here and have no idea what they mean...... :oops:

Hi :wave:

If you meant BFP (Big Fat Positive) when you get your positive test result and POAS is Pee On A Stick

Took me a while to figure out all the abbreviations, i think there is a list somewhere but not sure if its this site or not.

Anything you're not sure of just ask, we're all willing to help each other
Glad it's all calmed down - maybe it was just moving around a lot :D

I'm good - still here and waiting - but feeling ok :D
could be effacing pains? i confused them with contractions. get checked tho. :hug:

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