bounsing on ball did it help??


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2008
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Hiya everyone. i got myself a ball to sit and bounce on yesterday as im now 3 days overdue and only 1/5th engaged so trying to encourage her head to go down and labour to start! anyone use a ball and found it helped labour to start or just wishful thinking?? thanks any advice appreciated xx
Not sure whether it will start labour but it will encourage bubs to get into optimal position for birth. Lots of walking will help too :)
I felt it helped me with my back pain, it also gave me something to do to make me feel like I was making a difference.

It definitely helps your pelvis into the optimum position for baby to engage and come down. So I recommend it!

I used mine all the way through labour as well... I remember bouncing about my room with the G&A in my hand giggling away!! Fun!! :D

I used one but i don't think it helped kick start labour as i went 12 days overdue :lol:

Lola was in a a good position though :D
I also used one while at the hospital, The midwife advised me to go round in clockwise circular motions as it helps you dilate apparently :hug:
Ditto what the others have said, it's supposed to help get baby into optimal position.

My baby was breech and transverse at times, I sat on my birthing ball every day and baby did turn in the end.

I find it a big relief for my backache as well.

I would recommend using one.
Ditto fothers there :) They are more for position of baby in the weeks before birth and also during labour as it can help also. Not for starting labour off.

FWIW its not all about bouncing to get baby into a good position. Rocking side to side and back and forth is good. Feet flat to the floor and hips higher than knees. Otherwise all you are doing is encouraging your LO to get into a possible not so good position.
Lola's Mummy said:
I used one but i don't think it helped kick start labour as i went 12 days overdue :lol:

Lola was in a a good position though :D
I also used one while at the hospital, The midwife advised me to go round in clockwise circular motions as it helps you dilate apparently :hug:

oops! ive been going anti-clockwise! :rotfl:
ive found walking has helped LO get engaged... little bugger is lying with her back down my side though which isnt a nice thought... but at least its head is in the right area :)
I tried everything to start off my labour with my son, bouncing on a ball, walking, sex, pineapple, castor oil (just made me have a bad stomach!) and nothing worked! He finally arrived at 42 weeks after going down for a C-section and then deciding to engage and had to be pulled out cos he was seriously stuck. This time i'm seeing a consultant as well as my midwife so hopefully everything will be ok. I think that babies don't arrive until they're ready and u can't rush them :)
Don't think it helped start labour but Nathan was in a great position to be born. My 2nd baby was back to back and I wanted to do everything to get this one in a great position. I worked great plus was really comfy and took pressure of my back.
I liked leaning on the ball to help baby get in good position but I hated it during labour - it just annoyed me till I threw it across the room! :lol:
It did absolutely ZILCH for me!!

Although, deffo keep it to hand though because it was a god send when I was in labour! I lent over it on all fours (there should be a pic in my birth story in "Announce Your New Arrival") but anyway, yeah, it only helped during labour :( xx

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