Booking in appointment tomorrow - what do I need to know about my baby's dad?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2013
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Hiya , I have my booking in appointment tomorrow my midwife is coming to me at home. My baby's dad isn't involved and doesn't want to know. We haven't spoken since I found out I was pregnant 5 weeks ago , I'm nearly 9 weeks now. I don't know any of his medical history or blood type . What will they ask about him? I'd rather not have to talk to him unless I really need to. Thanks xx
they only really ask about medical issues in his side of the family although if you explain the situation they might be able to skip that bit
His blpod type only matters if you are rhesus negative. As if your a negative and he's a positive it can cause issues. But if your a positive then it doesn't matter what he is. X
I'm rhesus negative and they treat with anti d regardless I think so you don't need to know his blood type. We don't know my husbands blood type lol!
And medical issues mostly just immediate family so like parents etc. If you don't know they may be able to just skip that bit as nikki says :) they must see a lot of people in the same situation xxx

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Ah that's a change from 8 yrs ago then. With my son I got told if I came back meg they would test my hubby's blood.... but I guess... maybe it's more common or they have had issues over paternity if mum and dad are both neg and baby is pos... mummy has been a naughty girl!
Lol yeah I think maybe if there was issues over paternity and it came back dad was negative too and they didn't treat with anti d but the baby ended up being someone elses who was positive then that wouldn't be good at all so guessing they just do it regardless now lol. They test cord blood after birth and if baby is negative too then you don't need more but if baby positive then have to have another anti d injection lol xx

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Ahhh I didn't know that either the things you is out on being O+ lol

I had my booking in appointment yesterday and the only questions they asked about my husband were his name and address. All medical history, blood group etc was all aimed at me.

Our book has two sections split into my health history and FOBs as well as nationality etc however my OH came first time with me he's not got any issues and I know he's white so basically they may ask if you know of any health issues he had. But if not they will look at your health more.

Also they didn't ask or test my OH both times for blood so not sure that's needed. OH didn't come to any of my second appointments which I was glad of cause they aren't very exciting. I took recordings of heart beats but he mainly just attended the scans and birth ofcourse :rofl:

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I'm glad they asked about my hubby's history as there are some nasty things on his side but luckily I think my hubby is clear of them all. It must vary from area to area!
At my booking in they asked about the babys fathers ethnic group (as some are more prone to certain problems) and if we knew of any problems such as heart defects. I have no idea what my husbands blood group is (neither does he) and they didn't ask. They aren't interested in his blood group, I assume it is because there is the possibility that they aren't the father even if you say they are. They didn't ask for his address either, although that might be as we are married and live together. They did ask if we used a sperm/egg donor.

I know someone who didn't know any details about the father (one night stand) and she just said don't know and they didn't raise it further.
I had it today , they asked quite a lot about him and took his contact details even tho we aren't in contact anymore , they also asked a lot about his family medical history too , they took bloods and want a blood sample from him as well , I guess it varies from area to area , but thank you everyone xxx

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