Blood Test results due back tomorow

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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I am finding out my blood test results tomorow to see if my iron levels/ haemoglobon are back up from after my MC blood transfusion.

I am feeling more energetic, and sick of being bunged up in the bottom dept, from taking all these iron tablets, can't see how my iron wouldn't be throught the roof by now! Still look like a pasty white thing tho!

I know some ladies have to take iron all the time in pregnancy, is it safe too?
I have been TTC, can too much iron effect a pregnancy? I am having 200mg , 3 times a day.

Thanks, JJ
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hiya, i think its perfectly safe to take during pg, i did with first pg. i hope u get ur energy back up and get a bit of colour back! xxx
hey hon, I had the exact same dose after losing a bit too much blood during my c-section with little one. Iron is safe in pregnancy too. Hope ur ok soon hon xxx
Hi, yeah got them thank you - got 116 g/l , apparently quite normal , but at the lower end of the normal range.
So no problems , yayyy ...... ust ready for TTC!! :wink:

If I stop the tablets now, I guess it shouldn't drop again should it, I guess I can just build on that diet wise?
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Hi, yeah got them thank you - got 116 g/l , apparently quite normal , but at the lower end of the normal range.
So no problems , yayyy ...... ust ready for TTC!! :wink:

If I stop the tablets now, I guess it shouldn't drop again should it, I guess I can just build on that diet wise?

Thats great hun :) you should try and get some natural Iron in your diet, if you go to a health shop you can get little bars called Panda bars they are full of Iron and really help to get those levels soaring :) you can also get little tablets called " Black Strap Molasses, they work wonders. After I had my son I lost ALOT of blood and was told if my levels didnt inmprove within a week then it would be back to hospital for a transfusion, my midwife suggested these two things and I took 2 bars and 1 tablet a day and within the week they had improved so much, within 3 weeks my levels where back to normal (actually the high range of normal lol ).
I'll have a look for those Panda bars - taking iron tablets (or any vitamins) makes me ill so that could be a good replacement.

Glad you are on the mend JJ's mum. How about getting some of those pregnancy care vitamins? I think they have 100% of your daily iron in them as well as the folic acid which you need for healthy babies...
Hi Jenni, as you know i've been through something simlar to you. I asked my GP about this as i was also wondering about the iron tables. The GP said it would be best to wait until i have finished the 3 months of iron as they dont want you to be pregnant whilst taking these unless you really have to. This is because they do not know 100% the effect it will have on the baby and also your body needs to be back to normal strength to cope with the strain of pregnancy. Also god forbid but if the same thing was to happen it could be problematic for your body. I dont mean to scare you but i think it would be a good idea to have a chat with your own GP before you start trying so he can give you specific advice for you and this may be diffrent to my needs. Love Kirst xxx
Thanks girls - I have never heard of panda bars or black strap molases, so I will have to look in the health food shop in town.

Kristar I had better not take the iron then and boost up the iron in the diet just in case as Ihave been trying already and think i'm on the 2WW but not totally sure!!:whistle: Thanks for the advice tho and I will really try to up the iron for the remainder of the 3 months (thats a long time)!.

How are you doing now Kristar and Lillie ? feeling any better yourselves?

I really do have much more energy than 2 weeks after the D&C and transfusion as I was nearly falling asleep at my desk at work that week, looking like a zombie! You know you must have looked bad when people don't ask !!! (phew)
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Hi Jenni,

Sorry i know you posted this along time ago but i have been away on holiday. I must admit i was terrified of going away as i didnt want to be away from the doctors and hospital even thou they said i was fine to go. I really do feel much much more better now and i think the break did me good. I got to take the iron tablets until 26th May and then they will test me to see if its ok to stop them but i must admit i am strating to think about chucking them away and starting to try lol even my DH is starting to think that way.

How are you doing now after it all? Have you started to try? How is your DH feeling about it? x
Hi Kristhar, Glad you had a holiday and are feeling better, blimey may? your'll be bunged up bigtime!

Re the iron -as I get bunged up! I only took them till my blood test came back normal, I re-read the hospital slip and you could read it in two ways, so I think I may have supposed to make an appointment to see docs and have the blood test. I only sorted the blood test and the receptionist gave me the results, so will mever know if supposed to see the doctor at all! I am eating properly to make sure Iron is in my diet.

Yes we are trying again, tried first month before first period arrived, no luck, and now on CD16, so that's us finished trying for this month and into the 2WW again, so am really hoping, probably being too optomistic and will end up gettign all emotional if AF arrives again, but has to be done.

Are you thinking of trying again soon then, just read your other post about OV signs for your first period? great news, can't wait to see you join me in the TTC room again X
Tell me about it!! I have been bunged up for as long as i cant remember lol!

You know the whole NHS care is so completly sporadic in its care. The only reason i am on tablets for 3 months and have to go back to have bloods in may is coz i went to see GP after d&c to ask about a lump which came up down below (sorry if tmi). Whilst there the GP reassured me it was only a graze from the d&c and not something serious. Then she told me to be on iron for 3 months and go for test in may as i had lost all iron in blood transfusion. So had i not gone to her with that question about the lump, i would have only been on iron for 2 weeks which hospital gave me.

I admire you for trying again so soon after. I really want to but am in away holding back as i want to wait until after first period as you'll see in another post.

I hope i'll be pregnant again by the time it comes round to what would have been the babys due date (27th September) as i think its the only way i'll get through it. September is rapidly becoming a nightmare month for me as i had my ectopic pregnancy removed on 6th Sept 04! only thing that keeping me going is DH birthday on 26th Sept. Which is kinda worse coz we were hoping the baby would come on his birthday, so will be a strange one this year x

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