Blood test results arrived.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
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They arrived this morning to say that I am D negative (Rhesus negative) blood group and sent me an emergency card to carry with me at all times.

I am really worried now.

My aunty is this blood group and she lost her child after birth because of this.

Can anyone help me please.... :cry:
:hug: Don't worry too much. My mum is Rh. Neg and me and my brother are both fine :lol:

Blood type test - this is to check to see if you have a blood type known as rhesus negative. If you are rhesus negative, and your baby has inherited a rhesus positive blood type from the father, the mismatch of blood types can sometimes cause your body to produce antibodies (proteins which fight infection) which attack the baby's red blood cells. This condition can be treated with an anti-D injection straight after birth.

That's from NHS direct :) The card will just be so that they know if you were involved in an accident or something. :hug:
I am Rhesus negative too I wasn't given an emergency card :think: but midwife explained that it shouldn't cause problems for me or baby I would just have to have anti D jabs at so many weeks and possibly after baby is born depending if he/she is possitive blood group or not and would have to inform them of any knock or bleeding because would have to have anti D earlier then.
I could be wrong but when your aunty lost her child through this was is years ago, if so they know of the problems this can cause now (which is to subsiquent pregnancies not the first one generally) and thats why they use the anti D injections to prevent any future problems.

Did your midwife explain things properly to you? Were you given the booklet explaining it all? If not you should talk to your midwife explain about your aunty and your fears and I am sure she will be able to put your mind at rest! :hug: :hug:
Thank you...

Yes my aunty was about 35 years ago and as you say things are better now. Just think I am in shock/panicking. Just got a letter, not spoken to midwife.

Will ask on monday, I will call her.

Thanks again , your all stars on here xxx
I'm AB Negative but I wasn't given an emergancy card :? I don't understand what it could be for? Theres no need for it at all. Are you sure its not just a card they give you with your blood group on just so you know your blood group? My Mum's got one but she's not Rhesus Negative.

Don't worry about losing your baby because of it, that will not happen.

Did they tell you about Anti D injections? You will need one at 28 week's and again after the birth, also if you have any bleeding or an amnio you will need one (I had one after my amnio).
xJodieLoux said:
Are you sure its not just a card they give you with your blood group on just so you know your blood group? My Mum's got one but she's not Rhesus Negative.

I wear a bracelet when I go abroad/on a trip away from home that has my bloodtype on a tag so that god forbid if anything happened they wouldn't have to run my bloods first. I'm sure they would anyway- just in case it wasn't my bracelet but it makes me feel responsible! :rotfl:
don't worry :) 15% of people are Rh neg :) most of them don't know and don't need to carry an emergency card :)

My mum is and so am I and we were both fine in our pregnancies :)

Only problem with rh neg is for second and subsequent children IF the first baby is rh positive and you don't have anti D :hug:

If the baby is rh positive and their blood gets into your bloodstream (either at birth or through trauma) then your body can make antibodies against it as it thinks is like an infection. That baby is fine as the antibodies take time to make and are at low levels. If you had another baby who was positive though your body would remember from last time and make more antibodies which could attack the second baby's blood and make it anaemic.

In the UK for 20 odd years rhnegative women have been given anti d 1/2 times in their pregnancy (usually 28 and 34 weeks but in some areas only once but bigger dose - either works) aswell as after the birth and if there is bleeding after 12weeks of pregnancy (when the baby starts making blood). This mops up any baby blood cells that get into your blood so that your body doesn't make a response :)

You have been given a card to help you remember and to speed things up if you end up at a different hospital but the new hospital will check your blood group again anyway (to get an exact match rather than just the letter and rhesus bit as there are lots of bots to match like a complicated jigsaw) incase you need blood if it is needed anyway :) don't worry :hug:
oh dont worry hun, im A rhesus negative and got one of these cards through too!

i keep it in my purse!

i have also heard that it rarely causes problems in first pregnancies and a jab may be needed after labour of baby is positive but for 2nd etc pregnancies you may need a jab during pregnancy but my midwife has definately said its nothing to worry about

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I get my blood results on monday afternoon, really worried about the results, I really hope everything is ok. Baby is fine just checked the heartbeat today and still really strong.

I hope I can come on here on monday and say everything was ok, looking forward to this so much.

I wouldn't worry about it at all. I'm O neg and had the anti-D at 28, 34 weeks and post-birth. We did have the issue because my waters broke 2 days before I went to labour that there was some cross-over of our blood but all it caused was a minor case of jaundice in Becky. She is absolutely fine now and it's only a few days later.

It's nothing to worry about :hug: You'll get your anti-D injections and it won't affect bubs. I'm Rhesus negative too but don't have an emergency card and didn't know until my first pregnancy xx
Wow quite a lot of you ladies are rhesus neg. I keep asking what my blood group is and the midwife keeps saying the results haven't come through yet? I had the 5 vials of blood taken at about 9/10 weeks, surely I should know by now? :think:

I've always wondered what blood group I am, hopefully I'll find out on Wednesday :D

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