

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
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Ive noticed my cycles have got longer over the past two periods ( im 39)
This cycle, two weeks after my period, im bleeding. Like a very light flow, but ive had it nearly a week.
Im definitely not pregnant i havent had any intimacy at all for a few months.
Ive been to the nurse for swabs and waiting for gp appointment.
Ive also got a sore down there but the bleeding is definitly from inside not the sore.
Anyone had bleeding in between periods and can anyone gove me reassurance while i wait for investigations.
I've had it in the past but mine was due to the pill I was on. Hope you get some answers
I am in the same situation as you- not pregnancy, not from an injury its intermenstrual bleeding. I am waiting for my gynae appt because we have a very strong family history of cancer- mum had it in the lining of her womb but the doctor has reassured me it wont be that.

Its far more likely to be something like endomotriosis- do you have heavy painful periods? Could be that or polyps, there are a few things it could be so mention any symptoms to the doctor when you get your appointment. I keep track of it all with my app so I have dates and everything to give them
Thanks for replies.
My periods are generally normal and not particuarly painful.
Bit scared, never had anything like it before.
Hi Robyner

Hope you're okay.

I had a bit of bleeding in-between periods once (but I think that was caused by DTD) so got referred to the hospital for scratch tests and little internal cameras and stuff (think they were wondering if it was endometriosis) but it all came back ok.

It's good that you're getting it checked out asap. xx
Hey tinslecat so nice to hear from you lovely!
I am on day 9 of bleeding, im scared.
I have been asked to make a gp appointmsnt after friday when my swab results will be back.
It dosent seem to be stopping, its there everytime i wipe and small amounts on pad.
Hi hun

I hope the swab results come back ok - thinking of you. Good luck for your appointment & I hope the bleeding stops soon

Hi hun thank you.
Swabs all clear but still bleeding, day 13.
Doctor said to keep a diary of things and if it hasnt stopped within 7 more days make another appointment.
I feel fine so hopefully it will sort itself out xx
Bleeding finally stopped today but i have several very painful spots around my chin which i generally get around the time of ovulation ( only not as many and not as painful and sore)
Hoping its just a blip and i will get back to normal soon.
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Glad the swabs showed the all-clear, that's really good news!

Also glad to hear the bleeding has stopped. Sounds like it may have been a freak hormonal thing?

Thinking of you x
I had bleeding like this and was found to have cervical erosion (I can't remember the proper name). Apparently it's quite common after pregnancy and usually goes away by itself. It's not harmful and rarely needs treatment, maybe google that and see if it sounds similar to you
I also experienced this bleeding before but it was not light, it was heavy bleeding. Went to my doctor to check on everything, found out i have adenomyosis.

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