Bleeding TMI alert


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I've just gone to the toilet and there was a little bit of blood, I'm exclusively bf so don't know why I would be bleeding? Do you think it might be my period or something else? It's not heavy but now because I'm worrying about it, I am starting to feel crampish.

I though my period wouldn't start until I stopped bf?

I really didn't want it to return so soon :cry:
Sounds like it could be period hun.

I exclusively BF my son for 1 year and my periods returned when he was 2.5 months old xxx
So then it's normal for it to return already? I just presumed that it wouldn't return until I weaned, gutted doesn't begin to describe it. It's my bday tomorrow so great pressie lol :wall2:
So then it's normal for it to return already? I just presumed that it wouldn't return until I weaned, gutted doesn't begin to describe it. It's my bday tomorrow so great pressie lol :wall2:

BFing can delay periods starting, but it's not a gauranteed. My midwife says ALOT of women she sees at antenatal have used BFing as contraception... it doesn't work lol Periods can return at any time.

I was glad that mine started back so early, it was nice not having periods don't get me wrong, but I like to know where I am and getting back into a regular cycle again I knew when to expect her!
Thats true, I've always been 28 days so hopefully I will go back to that cycle and will know when she's about to pop up again. Thanks for your advice hun x
Sounds like af. Maria said exactly what I was going to, bf doesnt mean you won't get af
That's a rubbish birthday present :(
Do you still do night feeds? This can often be when periods come back as babies start to sleep for longer. I've not had mine back yet something I Def don't miss! Hope you have a Happy birthday x
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Still feeding at night, every 2-4 hrs (except tonight he went 4.5hrs) think he knows it's my bday so wanted to give me a break lol!!

It's still really light, my period would have been a bit heavier than this but maybe it's light because I'm bf? Got HV today so may mention and see what she says?
Its prob just light cos of bf we still have loads of hormones whizzing about. Periods can change after babies too so might mean you get lighter ones for a while :)

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Still confused, bleeding has stopped, it lasted 2 days, on the second day, I passed a wierd clot thing, then nothing much after that, very strange.

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