Bleeding started again 8 weeks pp.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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I stopped bleeding about 1.5 weeks pp and the coloured discharge stopped about 4 weeks pp. I'm now at 8 weeks and a couple of days ago I started getting really sharp pains and cramps different to how af used to be though and then I started bleeding black blood. It then changed to bright red and I passed a clot that looked like fleshy tissue... sorry tmi! After that the bleeding went lighter and changed to brown and it started again went dark black and then red and a clot came out again so no idea what's going on. It's gone back to hardly any brown discharge again but I can feel the cramps coming back again. I'm really worried about it. Aby idea what this could be? I'm exclusively breastfeeding every 2 hours.
Hi, not sure of the reason why but my midwife told me if I passed a clot larger than a 50p they wanted to know about it. Breastfeeding does spend things up a lot, I had more intense bleeding & a huge clot with my 2nd daughter while breastfeeding than my first who I was pumping milk for. I would speak to doctor if you have been discharged from midwives care X
It is possible that it is your 1st period. Sometimes the first period PP is really heavy and painful. Because you are breastfeeding it would be unusual for it to start so early though. Did you keep the blood clot you lost? If so it would be good to get it checked incase you had a piece of retained placenta.It might just have been a blood clot though. I had retained placenta and had strong after pains when feeding. It came out 5 days after the birth but I have heared of it taking longer sometimes. The MW said if I had any signs of there being more I should get a scan to check.

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