Bleeding and cramps


New Member
May 21, 2016
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Hi, did anyone else bleed in their first trimester. I've gone from brownish blood to red blood, not quite as heavy as a period and cramping although it's just pain it's not crippling me. I'm about 6 weeks. I've been to the primary care unit and they couldn't tell me anything either way, I've a scan at the Early Preg Unit on Monday but until then, does anyone have any advice or experienced the same, I can't help but expect the worse. Thanks.
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I've had cramps and every minor oramge/brownish spotting. Red blood is fresh blood and can indicate a problem but I'm sure some people have it and all is well. Depends on how heavy it is. Sorry I can't be any more help. Try and stay as relaxed as possible. Wishing you all the best x
Thank you for your reply. Mine started off as brownish red but it's changed to deep red and I've now passed a clot, I've spoken to NHS 111 and they say there is nothing they can do until Monday when I have a scan, this is my first pregnancy and I've had to have chlomid tablets to assist, it's taken us so long to get here and I can't believe this is happening. All I can do is wait until Monday.
It could still be ok.
Try to stay calm. However, I know it's difficult because people are not particularly helpful when you talk to them about it.
If you're really in pain and hugely worried, go to A and E and fight for a scan, even though you're having one tomorrow. You need to stay mentally well and sitting and waiting whilst you bleed, worrying about what is happening will not help your mental health!
If you've had sex, that can cause clots or there are a number of other things that can cause bleeding.
It's obviously quite worrying, but try to relax and as I say, go to A and E if you need to do so. Medical professionals are not particularly helpful in this situation and seem happy for you to sit and wait whilst your mind is running away with itself with worry.
Good luck....
I would march straight to A&E and demand to be seen. It could still be ok but your anxiety and worry won't do it any good waiting another day. Crossing everything for you xxxxx

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