Bit of a long one, i'm sorry - but really need your help....


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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As some of you may be aware, i've been having accupuncture once a week. Anyway, my first af after having about 3 goes of accu was very light, hardly any pain, no clots and basically nothing like they normally are. The only thing that was the same was the length, it still came on day 41. Anyway, i decided this month i am going to us OPK's from about CD 10.

Anyway i'm on CD 18 today and for the last 5 days i've been getting a line, but not getting it quite as dark as the main line. Also over the last 3 days I have had period type pains, losing blood, bit of dark and red, i would say fresh and old blood. Today however the blood seems to haver stopped and when i did a test using an OPK it seemed quite a bit less in colour than any i've done this month, like it's fading fast. So my question after this very long rant is. Could this be a sign that ovulation has taken, ir is taking place ?. Do any of you experience pain/blood when you ovulate ?.

I called the accu women and she said that it could be that she has stimulated my ovaries to start ovulating as i have never managed to find out when i'm ovulating before, and that it's just that ive not been aware of this before. Don't suppose this could be IB as of where i am in my cycle........

Any help greatfully received..................

I posted a reply to something similar the other is possible to have ov spotting but if you are concerned or if it is out of the ordinary for you then there is no harm in seeing your Dr for some advice/a checkup

choklatemunky said:
Ovulation Spotting is defined as a very light bleeding that may accompany ovulation

The source of "ovulation spotting" is traced to the rupture of the ovarian follicle when the egg is released. When you ovulate, luteinizing hormone causes the surface of the ovarian follicle to weaken and disintegrate. This leads to the formation of a hole, or stigma, through which the egg will ultimately "escape" into one of the fallopian tubes. At this "midcycle moment", a residual trace of blood may accompany ovulation when the stigma ruptures.

thats from the internet :D

oh and.....

Spotting that occurs in the middle of your cycle or spotting that occurs some ten to fourteen days prior to the start of the next cycle is normal too. This spotting may occur during ovulation. Seeing a spot of blood during ovulation is considered an excellent fertility sign. It is thought that mid-cycle spotting occurs for one of two reasons. First reason is possibly that when the egg bursts through the follicle, a little bleeding may occur. This blood will then make its way out and show up as “spotting”. Or, during ovulation, the level of estrogens rise, and this sometimes prompts the uterus to shed a bit of lining, which shows up in the form of “spotting.”

I could also be that your body attempted to ov but it didnt quite manage it - if it is that then your body will try again until the hormones are at the right level for ov when the egg will be released. I would keep using hte OPks for this cycle so you can compare the results from the diff days and so you will def know for next time when your most fertile time is (thats if you need a next time :wink: )
so do you think choclatemunky that i should continue BD'ing every other day, while i have this faint line ?.

and how would i know if i have now ovulated ?.

sorry for all the questions ........
yes id carry on Bding.

If your normal cycle length is 41 days then you could ov as late as CD wouldnt hurt for this month to carry on every other day til then (if you have the energy!).

You wont know for sure that you have ovd unless you have been temping - but like I said - If you carry on doing the OPKs (even if the line disappears right through your cycle this time) you will get a better idea - i.e. if it comes back and its stronger on for example CD 26 then you will know more likely than not thats when you ovd. if it doesnt come back at all then you will know that the 5 faint lines youve got over the last few days are around the time you have ovd and you will know better when to time things next month (if you need to)

Does that make sense?
that makes perfect sense. thankyou so much.

i did buy enough tests to have one if not more for every day. so will just get going and bd' every other day till next period. :cheer:

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