Bigger babies


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
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hi everyone,

So the past week I've been having a rubbish time, iron levels dropped dramatically in a space of two weeks so they gave me an iron infusion. I've also been getting unreal cramps/stabbing pains in my stomach and back, went in to the ward to be checked ect and they found no real reason why. In the end they done a growth scan and turns out baby is almost on the 100th centile so they think my body is just not coping with her size :( anyone else been in a similar position? 1st baby was 5th centile and 2nd baby was 50th centile so quite a big jump from those pregnancies
Thanks ladies
Have they mentioned getting tested for gestational diabetes?
Hope the iron infusion helps u and u feel back to some normality soon
No they haven't but they done so many blood tests and an abdominal scan to check kidneys and things.
I hope it works, got a second dose on Wednesday too x
My babies were huge, the crampy pains sound like growth spurt pains but honestly cant really say as I've nothing to compare to both my babies were top gentiles and dd2 I had an extra scan at 35 weeks and her stomach measurements was off the chart yet she was a whole lab lighter than dd1 at the same 40+3 gestation
My 1st baby was 7lbs 8.6, at 40+2.

My second was predicted to be a 9/10lber - she was born at 39+4 weighing 8lbs 1oz.

My third baby was predicted to be small, he was 8lbs 5oz at 39+1.

I have no faith in any of these measurements now, and i think they just end up worrying people more!

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