BFP...after AF


Active Member
Mar 4, 2007
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I have posted this else where and the girls there have been great. Just wondering if their is anyone else is/has had the same as me?
DH and I have been ttc #1 for about a year now. Went to doc's last week and they started investigation/bloods.
Well, I bought a new load of OPK's again this month and decided to start testing from the day after AF as I have short cycles. This came back with a positive day after AF had gone. So after reading a reply from Chellie boo I took her advice and did pregnancy test and got BFP.
Now I feel really confused. I'm worried that maybe I was and then lost it. I had a miscarriage a few years ago.

Symptoms I had pre AF: tired, tender boobs and bit of dizziness.

Has anyone else had this and still been pregnant? :roll:
Congratulations hun :cheer:

I think a few of the ladies on here have had bleeding in early pregnancy and everything has been fine. Maybe ask your Doctor if hs/she will send you for and early scan to male sure everything is okay.
my mum had heavy bleeding when she was pregnant with me, maybe it wasnt AF? Congrats on the BFP :cheer: :hug:
Congrats hun, id ring your doctor just incase though :hug:
Could it have been implantation bleeding and not AF? If your getting a BFP after your bleed then I would think its likely that you are still pregnant. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks, the bleeding started on the Thursday and by the following Tuesday I had BFNs.

Don't want to get your hopes up so would definately speak to your GP.

Hope it works out.
Thanks for your replies. I just booked appt with doc but due to my work the earliest appt that suited isn't until next thursday so by then I should no either way.
i said on your other post aswell i had a few days of af when i was about 1 week pg. i lost the baby well there was no baby just the sac but the dr said that wasnt conected in any way just one of those things
good luck
manda x
hi just thought i would reply as i had what i thought was my af very light and only 2 days of bleeding the rest was spotting and brown, anyway since then i have been having acid heartburn, sickness in the morning, very tired, sore boobs, and white creamy discharge, so i really don't know what to think :( maybe its all in my imagination, i have never been pregnant and had af aswell, i think it does happen though right!!!

thanx and good luck with your pregnancy
hope things are ok :hug:
When i was pregant with my son , I was bleeding very heavy the first 3 months non stop, then up til 6 months but it was very light then it stopped after 5th month,

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