Bev G ????

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Anyone heard from her, it's prob me Not seeing her posts. Hope she's ok x
I've not seen anything from her recently either......yeah hope she's ok
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I saw a post from her on Monday...maybe she's just been busy?? We'll probably hear from her soon!
I had messages from her on fb yesterday cos I got the blanket she made for me and I messages her to say thank u x
She added to one of my posts on Monday. She didn't say anything in that post about not being ok.

It was in the March thread.
I was thinking this the other day too! Where have you disappeared to Bev!
ive not disappeared ladies lol, im still stalking you all. i dont like to moan and ive been so achey recently ive basically just passed time playing warcraft. tho i was exhauseted on monday and sleepy after not being able to sleep all night ihad college and then i had aquanatal class in the evening. on tuesday i had my 2nd GTT, 35 week mw app and then breastfeeding workshop and i had my OH playing warcraft on my laptop all evening lol.

needless to say im totally fine, i havent popped yet tho i feel like a balloon and id rather have popped than have pelvic pain. the mw offered to refer me for physio but by the time it gets back to me id probably only have a week to go so i said no. apart from that all was good. babys hb and position are good. apparently not engaged yet but still low and just hovering round in pelvis area lol. my urine was all good too for the first time in weeks lol.
BF workshop was good too, i already know im determined to do it but i can see how some ppl might have felt pressure if they didnt really want to or were worried about it. still there is a nice grp of mums that BF and i got the times for their meetings so after i pop i can join the grp which will be nice.
i feel ok lol. tho baby has hiccups which is rare and it feels like someone is poking the inside of my perineum.
Sounds interesting with the bf workshop! I'm determined to do that as well!!:)
Wow I was wondering about ur bf workshop! What did they go through? I don't think it's as 'hard' as people make out tbh!

they went thru all the benefits, positioning and latching etc. had a chat with some mums who bf and also the mums bf in front of us so we could see what it was like. they covered all the basics and gave info on the group and basically said once baby is born if we need any help to get in touch and join the grp. to keep trying and not give up if its hard at first etc. all the resons i want to bf really and that it is important how determined you are to do it and that even if u only do it for even a week its better than not at all etc. was fun and i will be joining the grp
yeah, there's loads of bf support and groups round here too, which is good...

i went to a workshop and found it a great help....i would have been holding baby totally wrong...
Can I also say I fed Ty today in public and the ground didn't cave in and No one cared :)

Can I asked where you got details of the group?? Is it an NCT thing or did the midwife put you in touch with it??? I'm so rubbish with all this stuff!!! Need to get off my ass and start organising this kind of thing...
i got a letter sent to me from the hospital where the local mw's are based. ask your mw if there are any near you cos she should know

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