Being Induced questions


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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So I am being induced in 3 days time and I will be 12 days overdue by this point ( I am seriously hoping I don't make it to that day) with my second baby.

So they are going to do the pessary thing, but my biggest concern is that they insert it then send you home for 24 hours at our hospital.

My daughter came on time, and quickly once I was in established labour, and my biggest worry is that I will be home and not actually make it to the hospital to deliver!

Anyone wanna shed some stories on this sort of thing? I am not precious about anything so facts are always handy for me, like how quick etc after having pessaries do you go into labour if at all? i have heard of some people I know having the pessary and giving birth within a couple of hours, one person I know 37 minutes of pessary in to delivery!!

Thanks in advance x
Hey Lexi!

My first baby i was induced on my due date 9.12.04 after being monitored all day for HBP i was sent from CMU to the hosp I had the pessary at 8.30pm and was told by the midwife i'l check on you first thing in morning. ( i was kept in due to high blood pressure ) 9pm came.... I had pains.... In my lower back. 9.30pm my contractions started. I had my son 31mins after midnight. I needed was distressed but apart from that i had no problems at all.
So this time i'm overdue.... If i get induced i'm hoping its as quick.hope this helps x
Hey HopeJoy!! Ahh thank you, I don't particularly want to be sent home with the pessary in because I fear I won't get back to the hospital to deliver in time! Thank you, that is good to know xx
Oh Lexi, I hadn't realised you were still waiting... fingers crossed you deliver before then!

With my last induction (2nd baby) I had the pessary and started contractions straight away, established labour was 4hrs later though and then she was born in just under 3hrs of established labour.

I think you'll be fine, if you start contracting soon enough you might stay in, if you go home I'd just say don't wait til contractions are close together, go back in (or phone them) as soon as you start contracting and go in there as early as possible as you don't know how short established/active labour will be, especially with your 2nd baby.

Good luck! Can't wait to see your birth announcement x
Lexi that's a weird set up they send you home I thought you had to be monitored once they started inducing you. Hopefully it won't come to this for you though!
Yeah the midwife at the antenatal class I took said that some hospitals trialed sending women home after (or rather, during) induction but it was decided it was safer to keep them in to monitor them.

Personally I'd be happier being sent home if I'd been induced, but only because I'd had two very straightforward induced births with no issues. And I didn't want the monitoring and I wanted a home birth lol.
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I was induced at exactly 39 weeks due to GD, went in at 8pm had pessary just before midnight - nothing happened and i had numerous doses over next 3 days. Things only kicked off when they broke my waters and pit me on the drip 4 days later! X
Luckily I didn't need to be induced he came 2 days before induction naturally! xx
Congratulations Lexi!! Glad you didn't have to go through induction :) Hope you're all ok xxx
Thank you! We are all just loving life as a little family! xxx

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