Been to the hospital....


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I posted this morning that I was having some tightenings and period type pain. I thought they were just braxton hicks, but when they started to come every 5 minutes I got really worried. So off we went to the hospital - lots of waiting around and one internal later, everything is fine. Cervix is closed and everything else is fine.
I was so worried, I think the midwife thought I was mad when I started crying thinking I was going into labour :roll:
it can be very scary best to get checked out if you are worried for peace of mind glad all is ok!!! :D
Glad to hear everything is fine best to be safe than sorry. :hug:
glad all is ok hun
its better to be checked then to leave it :)
manda xx
Thank you :hug:

It might seem really silly now, but I was so worried :cry:

The midwife I was was so horrible, she was really rough, she never even spoke to me, just did the internal (painfully!) and fucked off. :evil: :x Another - very nice - midwife came and told me everything was ok
Better safe than sorry.... :)

Especially if you are having pains... Labour can start like that, so it's always a good idea to get checked out, plus bh's don't come so often...

Can you think back to what you have been doing the last few days... ?? Anything strenuous or active... have you been walking a lot for example... all these things can aggravate your uterus.
I'm so glad everything was ok for you. I guess it's hard for the MW's as to them they are just doing a job but to us, it's the beginning of a new world and life.

If she doesnt want to be on MW she should retrain.

Don't you waste anymore energy on her. At least the other one was nice,

Enjoy your time

Squiglet said:
Better safe than sorry.... :)

Especially if you are having pains... Labour can start like that, so it's always a good idea to get checked out, plus bh's don't come so often...

Can you think back to what you have been doing the last few days... ?? Anything strenuous or active... have you been walking a lot for example... all these things can aggravate your uterus.

It was probably trecking round Tescos twice this week thats done it :roll:
Sorry you had a fright and a mean midwife, some of these people shouldnt be doing that job if they cant treat everyone compassionately. I think some of them forget our pregnancies occupy every thought and worry for us, especially first timers, cos they see so many. I have seen a couple of useless ones too which is freaking me out a bit for the birth!

Glad everything is OK, dont feel silly for being frightened, I have a sneaky feeling this is what motherhood is gonna be like, worrying about our babies is my mum ever let any of us out of her sight for school, uni, travel, etc is a mystery to me :rotfl:
clarey said:
Sorry you had a fright and a mean midwife, some of these people shouldnt be doing that job if they cant treat everyone compassionately. I think some of them forget our pregnancies occupy every thought and worry for us, especially first timers, cos they see so many. I have seen a couple of useless ones too which is freaking me out a bit for the birth!

Glad everything is OK, dont feel silly for being frightened, I have a sneaky feeling this is what motherhood is gonna be like, worrying about our babies is my mum ever let any of us out of her sight for school, uni, travel, etc is a mystery to me :rotfl:

I agree! I do feel for midwifes, they work such long hours, but that is no excuse to be rude and ignorant. Manners cost nothing! :x
Thanks :hug:

Feeling fine today, resting and eating loads of chocolate :D :D
:D Ahh, you're all such great girls! You've been way more supportive than the MW was :hug:
:hug: :hug: I'm glad everythings ok, you did the right thing getting checked out.

I always found the hospital midwives to be the worst when it comes to sensitivity, I suppose they're under the most stress. They should still show more compassion though!

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