Been Swimming today - I'm Pregnant, I havent got a disease!!

First time mum

Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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Hi Girlies

Just wondered if anyone else has been going swimming whilst they are pregnant? I have and today I felt really on show!!!

I had so many people staring at my bump when I was going in and out the pool and in the changing rooms - I felt like I had 2 heads or something!!!!!!! I think some of the older people think I shouldnt be doing it or something, but my midwife said its good to go swimming as long as you dont go too mad.

I felt good though and did 30 lengths - I'll probably be in bed by 8pm tonight - ha ha!!
i went swimming in my last pregnancy, i felt the same, like people were staring at me too, i also had a 18 month old haha. if you enjoy it carry on. it is good in pregnancy though
Good on you hun! I wish I had the energy.... its good for you like your midwife says so long as you dont over do it!! take no notice of them... my Nanna once said while talking about maternity clothes "yes you need something to hide your bump" :? I think its the older generation cause it was totally different back then!
I'm tring to go swimming but due to sickness haven't gone as often as i wanted though. I dont have a noticable bump yet but i am planning to carry on swimming as it's good exercise. Maybe they were admiring looks you were getting :wink:
Yes Mrs Brightside, I think your right, it is strange how the older generation seems to think you should hide it!!! I really get that feeling too.

I couldnt wait to have my bump and I feel really proud and really like being pregnant, which has suprised me as I didnt think I would. I MUCH prefer having the bump and showing it off. I didnt enjoy the just feeling fat stage between about week 13 and week 18 when I just felt fat and frumpy with no bump but I really love my bump.

:( I'm in the fat stage. No cute bump for me yet. Can't wait to get one though and show it off at the local swimming pool. Old ladies watch out - I'm not hiding it :lol:
First time mum said:
Yes Mrs Brightside, I think your right, it is strange how the older generation seems to think you should hide it!!! I really get that feeling too.

I couldnt wait to have my bump and I feel really proud and really like being pregnant, which has suprised me as I didnt think I would. I MUCH prefer having the bump and showing it off. I didnt enjoy the just feeling fat stage between about week 13 and week 18 when I just felt fat and frumpy with no bump but I really love my bump.


I totally agree with you... I know when my Nanna was pregnant with my Uncle she wasn't married to my Grandy.... to get married she had to walk to the church through the back streets so no one seen she was unmarried and pregnant. Back in the day thou that's how things had to be done. I love her to bits but some of her comments have been off putting :lol: Im soo happy to be able to show off my bump. I also like you first time mum love the fact I look pregnant now and when we go out and about you can see people smiling at my bump... its the best feeling in the world. I felt shocking at the start of my pregnancy and its just recently that I have started to feel better and enjoy the pregnancy!
MrsBrightside said:
Good on you hun! I wish I had the energy.... its good for you like your midwife says so long as you dont over do it!! take no notice of them... my Nanna once said while talking about maternity clothes "yes you need something to hide your bump" :? I think its the older generation cause it was totally different back then!

I know whats that all about! Its not a shameful thing :shakehead:
I dont know Shiney but I guess its just a different generation thing aint it.... the first thing she asked was if we were going to get married :lol: and then she said well at least engaged :lol:
MrsBrightside said:
First time mum said:
Yes Mrs Brightside, I think your right, it is strange how the older generation seems to think you should hide it!!! I really get that feeling too.

I couldnt wait to have my bump and I feel really proud and really like being pregnant, which has suprised me as I didnt think I would. I MUCH prefer having the bump and showing it off. I didnt enjoy the just feeling fat stage between about week 13 and week 18 when I just felt fat and frumpy with no bump but I really love my bump.


I totally agree with you... I know when my Nanna was pregnant with my Uncle she wasn't married to my Grandy.... to get married she had to walk to the church through the back streets so no one seen she was unmarried and pregnant. Back in the day thou that's how things had to be done. I love her to bits but some of her comments have been off putting :lol: Im soo happy to be able to show off my bump. I also like you first time mum love the fact I look pregnant now and when we go out and about you can see people smiling at my bump... its the best feeling in the world. I felt shocking at the start of my pregnancy and its just recently that I have started to feel better and enjoy the pregnancy!

God thats shocking!!!!! Poor thing, that must have been awful for her!!!.

I think because of their experiences back then they seem to stick with the same feeling and dont realise that people's attitudes have changed. My grandma, who sadly is no longer with us, always felt totally ashamed that she was born out of wedlock and my dad said it really had an effect on her all her life and her mum was hidden away by her family whilst she was pregnant with her
can you imagine if we still had to live like that now :shock: I think we just have to respect the way things were and embrace the changes and realise how lucky we are these days! some of the stories my Nanna told me about her labours and after the birth are pure madness to be honest..... she wasnt even allowed to get up for 7 days after the birth and on one of the days during the 7 she was told she wasnt even allowed to move all day :shock: thank god for modern days eh!! :lol:

one thing she did tell me tho that I will be using was during her labours she told her self out loud after each contraction that was one less and one closer to meeting baby... Im def going to use that cause I think it will help me to stay focused!
I have to appologise....... because if you were at my local pool it was probably me staring :oops: . I think there is something so magical and special about seeing a pregnant woman, and I think we are all very blessed. Don't take the stares as negatives, be proud of your bump, and enjoy showing it off :cheer:
LittleLambe said:
I have to appologise....... because if you were at my local pool it was probably me staring :oops: . I think there is something so magical and special about seeing a pregnant woman, and I think we are all very blessed. Don't take the stares as negatives, be proud of your bump, and enjoy showing it off :cheer:

Yeah I have to agree to a certain extent, alot of people were probably in awe, there is something gorgeous about a pregant woman as LittleLambe says, especially showing off your bump in a cossie!!! I expect some looks were looks of jealousy!

You go girly! :cheer:
Im the same hun, not just swimming but also anywere i go people stare at my bump then look at my 3rd finger, woman on bus tutted other day and said very loudly to her old friend "all these unmarried mothers, my father would have killed me"

Miserable Bitch :rotfl:

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