Be warned, plenty of swearing.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Arrrrgggghhhhh fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck

Just has an a&e consultant ring me and tell me to go straight there :shock:. When was the last time I ate? not to eat or drink anything, to get to a&e as soon as possible!!!!!!! I nearly passed out :(. He said they have got to do keyhole surgery tonight on the cyst because it could damage the baby :shock:

I rang my oh in floods of tears and told him, he's burst into tears at work and I gathered everything together to leg it out of the door.

When I thought about it I rang the consultant back. I told him if I came in tonight I would have no hope of getting home nor of my oh getting to me, I've had a cough and cold so I didn't want to risk a GA and asked him exactly how much danger my baby is in. He said not very much but the cyst is obviously contorted which is giving the pain and to leave it could mean the ovary fails in the future :roll:. If he had been standing in front of me I would have kicked him in the spuds. He said there is a minor risk of infection if it bursts. Fair enough I said but I would rather book in to have it done so I could warn work, get stuff organised etc. He said if the pain gets worse I am to go there immediately.

So I have to go in at 10am Monday for another assessment with a view to draining or keyhole later in the day.....I am so gonna make sure they give me some good news after all of this :(
OMG hun. How terrifying! Why dud they not tell you this when you were there?

I hope you are ok :hug:
I can't stop crying, if they had said this to me when I was there I would be ok and just gone along with it. I am starting to think that notes just go from desk to desk until someone picks up on something. I so need my oh to come home :( xxxxxxxxxx
Oh this must be really tough on you sorry to read your so upset i hope your oh comes home soon and fx for your assessment xx
Oh no hun, what an awful time yoiuu have had, your doing the right thing going on monday instead of rushing in, hope everything is ok till monday and your hubby gets home too. xxxx
Oh hun thats awful what posesed them to give you such a scare, Hope you get it all sorted monday without too much more stress xx is your OH away? or will he be back to you tonight?
He's home now :). He's not happy that we both had the life frightened out of us. We have talked about it and if the hospital says that there is no risk to the baby whatever happens with this cyst then I will tell them I'll risk losing that ovary.
Human kind has relied on millions of women having only 1 functioning ovary and I would rather lose an ovary than the baby I have craved for so long.
LO is now the most important thing, nothing else matters and we will do whatever is best for him xxxxxxxxx
Oh honey you poor thing. What a ******* to have scared you like that. You should put in a complaint against him!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh no after your earlier post I was sat here thinking you must be feeling better after the trip to the hospital.

Silly silly man saying things like that to you over the phone. I can't believe they just say things like that. Glad your oh is home now to comfort you. Like you say you've tried so long for this bubba you don't want to rush into anything

Sending you hugs xx
aw hun how awful u dont need a fright like that! im sure all will be fine and il be thinking of u x
Oh No!
How terrifing for you.
Thinking of you and I'm sure you'll be okay. x
What are they thinking calling you like that! They could have said can you come in for a consultation the soonest you can, and then spoke to you there about your options so you didnt get panicked and upset!! Idiots!!
Hope youre feeling a bit better today xxxxxxxxxxx
No pain but stressed :(. Have talked to my mum and she said no to surgery but if they can drain it she thinks I should do it. The kind of cyst it is can cause pre-term labour apparently. I'm just going to have to make sure I have all the risks of both arguments before I make a decision xxxxxxxxxxx
Hope u get sorted monday hunnie, what an idiot calling you like that! Have a restfull weekend xxxxxxxxxx

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