12 DPO for me, and I've had a steady decline in BBT over the past three days, but still above my cover line. Anyone experienced this? I'm presuming it means I'm out for this month, but I thought it was supposed to be a dramatic drop before AF?
I've attached my chart!
Thanks in advance for any advice
EDIT: Forgot to say that FF thinks I ovulated a day later than I do, as I had cramps on CD17, but it's saying I ovulated CD18. Could be DPO 11 or 12 really...
12 DPO for me, and I've had a steady decline in BBT over the past three days, but still above my cover line. Anyone experienced this? I'm presuming it means I'm out for this month, but I thought it was supposed to be a dramatic drop before AF?
I've attached my chart!
Thanks in advance for any advice
EDIT: Forgot to say that FF thinks I ovulated a day later than I do, as I had cramps on CD17, but it's saying I ovulated CD18. Could be DPO 11 or 12 really...
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