Bad Bad Day :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi, im having a really bad day today, can't stop crying, i dont even want to go out of the house because i feel fat and horrible, all my pants are getting tight round the waist and nothing looks good anymore. I cant wait till these sunny days stop so i can cover up :(( to top it off im really tired but can't rest as i have a 3 year old to run around after. hmmm just really REALLy fed up today :'(
Hunny big :hugs:

I know how you feel. i am exhausted all the time at the moment and have no idea how you are coping with a 3 year old as well! Luckily my youngest is coming up 7, so she's quite self sufficient.

As for nothing fitting, snap! i posted earlier about this. I'm trying to keep it secret till 12 week scan, but it's getting more obvious by the day!!

Does your little one have an afternoon nap? if they do, have one with them! Any members of family that can give you a break for an hour or so to rest up?
As for the housework, my take on it at the moment, is do ONLY what NEEDS doing... ie you not walking around in filth lol! Washing up gets done once a day, if i don't want to wash up after dinner, tough it can wait till morning! And if anyone has a problem with the place being a bit messy for a while, then maybe they should pitch in and lend a hand lol!

I'm sure it will get better hun. But don't beat yourself up about it.


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