Back again - lets try for baby #2 again


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Hey ladies.
Back again after a MC at 12wks 4weeks ago ;-( havent had a cycle yet so god knows whats going on in there!!!!!
So sorry for your loss Claire. So many lovely ladies here for support. Your cycle will come - just comes a bit late after MC xxxx
Thanks elsa16 - just hoping its not tok much longer. Really want a bfp before xmas! Xxx
Hi Claire, I know the feeling! I'm too waiting on my first period after a manual vacuum for a blighted ovum also, had the procedure 4 weeks ago this Thursday, been told can take 4-6 weeks for period to come after procedure, looks like more waiting waiting waiting! Hope you're doing ok. X x
I'm so sorry Claire I hope your as OK as can be expected. Keeponhoping haven't seen you for a while have you been taking break from forum or have I just missed your threads? Hope you are okay too, the waiting for first period afterward is horrible, messes you up, I'm usually 27-28 days, didn't have my AF til cd37 was so relived when she eventually showed never thought I'd say that either!
Ahh I'm really hoping for a bfp before Xmas. If I hadn't had a miscarriage I would have been due early February so I think I'll cope with that a bit better if I can get pg before then.

Waiting for the first AF is so tedious but it's a relief when it comes just so you can start back to normal again. It'll be with you before you know it xxxx
Keeponhoping mine was 25th too :( blighted ovum aswell. But was discovered at my 12wk scan and lost everything that night but all naturally.

Having really stretchy cm -but slightly tinged so not sure if its af on way....ov....or early pg sign as have been trying again.

So much worse than a normal tww!
Feel for you babe xxxx

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