Baby's weight *update*


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2008
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hi all :wave:

at 32 weeks (last week) I had a scan, and the sonographer said that my LO's tummy is 2mm wider than it should be. She moved my date forward by one week in fact and told me to be very careful what to eat and to watch my portions. It is all so confusing. I was meant to meet my consultant today and get this off my chest but my appt got cancelled. LO weighed 2.2kgs (4.8 lbs) and was 30cm long. Does this mean that he's overweight and larger than average? I admit I had a huge appetite throughout the pregnancy but I never really felt I was overeating. Before the scan she commented on the nice shape of my bump and the fact that I don't have any stretch marks. And yet when she took the baby's measurements she started freaking out.

Do you have your LO's measurements taken at this stage in the UK? Also do you have any idea what is the average size and weight of a 32 week old fetus? I believe babies grow at different rates but still, I can't help feeling guilty everytime I eat something now.....


Don't want to bore you but thought I'd give you an update since you were so helpful with your replies. Yesterday I had my appointment and doctor said due date remains the same (21st March). It just means that the baby may be slightly larger than average. But he said 2mm is nothing to worry about and that I would have been informed if there was anything to be concerned about. So I'm happy today :D I even recorded his heartbeat on my mobile and listen to it every now and then to keep my spirits high :D
I had a growth scan at 32 weeks and my LO was only 3oz lighter than your baby!

He was born at 39 weeks, and weighed 8lbs 7oz.....which was a good size, but not huge!

Im not sure why they are getting stressed about his weight, unless they are used to smaller babies?
when i was 34 weeks pregnant i had a mw app, i measured for a 37 week pregnancy, i had a growth scan and i want told that she was 6lb and 5oz (roughly)..... they told me to expect a very big babba :shock: at least 10 lb...
i had her at 37+5 weeks and she weighed only 6lb 11oz.... so not a big baby at all :lol: xxx think they just take a guess sometimes lol x
I think mine at that stage was around 3lb. I had gestational diabetes and they told me if the stomach grows bigger than it should that it can mean the baby is putting on too much weight for it's size (which is the biggest risk with GD) but Molly was always bigger around the tum and was only 6lb when she was born and deffo didn't have a big bell :lol:

Try not to worry. I don't get them moving your date forward either, I thought that was only done at the 12wk scan??
Our hospital doesn't do growth scans any more as they're so inaccurate at the later stage. Apparently they only do late scans if there's concern the baby's too small when they'll just check the cord & placenta. I wouldn't worry about your LO being overweight, I ate loads in both my pregnancies and my boys came out weighing a respectable 8lb 6oz and 8lb 5.5oz. :hug:
Thanks for all your replies :hug:

I'm trying not to worry too much after all, it is well known that scans at this stage are not that accurate.

I really don't know why she (the sonographer) moved by dates forward and was going to ask my gyno y'day but will do when I meet him next week. Over here it's standard procedure to have this type of scan, in fact some doctors do it every month for you !! Not in my case though :shakehead: . I'm going to have four in all throughout the whole pregnancy.

Babydust, the head is the right size it's only the tummy that is a bit larger so at least, he hasn't grown that much. Poor little baby he's on a diet already :lol:

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