baby routine


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2005
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I've been meaning to start a routine but still haven't! I'm definately not starting one until we get back to Florida in January. She'll be nearly 6 months then.
I havent really got a set routine either!! (maybe i should?!!!)he just sleeps when hes tired and feeds when hes hungry!!!
During the day I have no routine at all as I am breastfeeding and feed on demand.

I do have a night time routine though, which Dominic loves and is getting used to and he is just over 2 months old, we have been doing the routine for 3 weeks and I found the routine in a book, Gina Ford book.

6pm - bath, change, massage, feed
7pm - down for bed with no probs now he is used to it and gets himself off to sleep
10.30pm - wake baby up naturally for a feed
3am - wakes up himself for a week
7am wakes for the day

So in all he only wakes up for one feed during the night and has done that since just over a month, I think I have been lucky though.

Good luck with routines, they are good but all bambinos are different so try a few and find out what works for you and little one.
You will normally find that most babies have made their own routine by the time they are about 8-12 weeks and you won't have really noticed.

I always used to bath them just before they were due a feed so they wouod be worn out and really hungry then have a good feed and sleep for a good few hours.

Good luck

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