Baby parphanalia you regret buying!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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For me it was my baby bath and top and tail bowl, for me waste of money!!

And expensive baby blankets, why did i buy branded ones when i could of bought some just as lovely ones at asda that were pounds cheaper!!!

The things i have bought in the heat of the moment!
with my 1st, nappy wrapper - it just made the room smell

steriliser/bottles - never needed them
Mine were;
*Nappy wrapper
*Disposible knickers for after the birth(for me)
*Top n Tail bowl
*Moses basket
*loads of clothes the same size... she was too big for most of her newborn stuff
too many 0-3 month clothes, we had a heatwave from time she was born til end of august and lived in a nappy most of the time so the stuff was never worn!

baby sleeping bag thingy, she hated it and wouldnt use it

breast pump - never used it and it's still in box
I haven't even used my nappy wrapper, its still sitting in Dan's room brand new!
Breast pump and nursing bras, i ended up bottle feeding so they were a waste of money!
roxanne said:
Breast pump and nursing bras, i ended up bottle feeding so they were a waste of money!



Musical swing

All of which Stan man HATED :roll:
at the moment I'd say huge tubs of sudocrem.. we've only ever had to use it a couple of times and a lot goes a long way...

erm... the top and tail tub came with the baby bath but we've only used it to store stuff in :oops:

i found the bouncy chair, playmats and baby bath have been awesome, can't think of much that we've not needed. we also had too many size newborn clothes, but they were given to us by other people so at least we didn't spend loads of money on them.
Snowsuit.. I use one for Brody now but for a newborn... no way!
top and tail bowl
LOADS of cotton wool
baby lotion... does ANYONE use it?
God I have loads but I can only remember a few!

* Electric Steriliser - Always used the Micrwave one
* Cot Top Changer - Just used for clean ironing!
* Changing Station - Again just used for clean ironing and storage.
* Dummies - Neither of them will entertain the idea
* Lots of bottles and different flow teats - Breastfed almost exclusively and they wouldn't take bottles very well.
* Booties - Never wore them.
* Baby bath - Pain in the bum, just used the bath or sink.
* Far too many clothes Newborn to 3mths when thats the period they seem to grow the most. Also had lots of hand knitted cardigans knitted (About 10) in neautral colours, but once they were born they wore blue or pink.
* Table corner protectors - Ky just peeled them off.
* Two Hand knitted shawls - Always used blankets as the shaws were too long.

I'm sure theres more as I have a cellar full of bloody stuff I need to give to charity. Will edit and add more if can think of anything!
nappy wrapper - what a total waste of money!! :lol: now I'm on number 3 I've whittled down the essentials
(1) Top and tail bowl - now being used as my nappy changing supplies holder
(2) Avent bottle warmer - bought this to heat up chilled expressed milk. But tbh easier to use use a bowl of hot water. And I switched to bottle feeding so needed to cool bottles rather than heat. Maybe it'll come in handy when I need to warm up weaning foods?
(3) Nursing bras - Spent a fortune on bras only to find I had to switch to bottle feeding
Agree with the nappy wrapper, it just stinks the room out so i got rid of that quickly! i boughta sling too and imogen hated it so sold it on ebay :D
loads of stuff! mostly because i thought she would be home before she was so went mad and got everything - most of it never used!

avent steam stereliser - used about 4 times at the v.beginning for breast pump stuff. cant use it now cos it will melt the gastrostomy equipment and syringes - on the old fashioned milton!

bath and top and tail bowl - what a nightmare. had to invest in a moveable changing station so im away from the floor to change her gastrostomy and bath her without breaking my back. Ami stays in the living room cos of all her tubes and feed pump - its too difficult to move her so i fill it with a bucket and the do what ive gotta do on the changer (best £90 i ever spent for her specil needs)

millions of clothes - i like to keep n top of things so the sleepsuit and outfit she wore yesterday will be washed and dried tonight, could have just bought a few and coped. shes growing soooooo fast!

moses basket - wish id bought a crib, shes nearly out of it but i dont want to put her in her own room cos she wears a saturation monitor and is at rist of stopping breathing or having heart rate drops

swing chair that plays the ipod - she prefers the physio padded car seat that usd to be her brothers!

bottles - only need them to mix feed in

muslin squares - i dont even know what they are for to be honest :oops:

i feel bad about all this stuff cos there are people who could really do with it and ive just wasted money on stuff that wont get used. what do i do with all her clothes and stuff? some of them havent been worn, there is some gorgeous stuff and i hate having clutter!
loads of stuff! mostly because i thought she would be home before she was so went mad and got everything - most of it never used!

avent steam stereliser - used about 4 times at the v.beginning for breast pump stuff. cant use it now cos it will melt the gastrostomy equipment and syringes - on the old fashioned milton!

bath and top and tail bowl - what a nightmare. had to invest in a moveable changing station so im away from the floor to change her gastrostomy and bath her without breaking my back. Ami stays in the living room cos of all her tubes and feed pump - its too difficult to move her so i fill it with a bucket and the do what ive gotta do on the changer (best £90 i ever spent for her specil needs)

millions of clothes - i like to keep n top of things so the sleepsuit and outfit she wore yesterday will be washed and dried tonight, could have just bought a few and coped. shes growing soooooo fast!

moses basket - wish id bought a crib, shes nearly out of it but i dont want to put her in her own room cos she wears a saturation monitor and is at rist of stopping breathing or having heart rate drops

swing chair that plays the ipod - she prefers the physio padded car seat that usd to be her brothers!

bottles - only need them to mix feed in

muslin squares - i dont even know what they are for to be honest :oops:

i feel bad about all this stuff cos there are people who could really do with it and ive just wasted money on stuff that wont get used. what do i do with all her clothes and stuff? some of them havent been worn, there is some gorgeous stuff and i hate having clutter!
oooh lets see....

with my eldest I bought a million clothes that she never wore, and a snowsuit thing as she was born in november but she always got too hot so id just wrap her up well instead :lol:

nappy bucket (think thats the same as you are talking about) but it was a waste of time as I put the rubbish out daily anyway!

I highly recomend freecycle if you have tonnes of stuff to get rid of, its a free website where you can advertise stuff you want to give away and ask for stuff you need in your local area! Be sure to read the rules though, its at I love it, you know the stuff is going to someone who needs it :D
I still have baskets on top of Isaac's wardrobe full of cotton wool :roll:
Avent Bottle Warmer. What a waste of time. :wall: Boiling the kettle and using a measuring jug is so much quicker.

Baby Bath. It's too heavy to carry full of water, pouring water from a jug makes a mess, and so it's only been used a couple of times. Bathroom sink did the job just great.

Lots of Summer clothes - some of which we were given - which were for age 3-6 months. It was too cold to wear them when they eventually fitted him!

Booties - he cries when we put them on him. Second time he wore them he got a very sore, red toenail. Coincidence? Don't know but I won't be risking it again. :talkhand:

Pushchair! Thea is almost 14 months and ive used a pushchair about 20 times in all.

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