Baby only sleeping when held - help!

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi girls,

Hope ur all well? Thanks to everyone for all tue good wishes during my labour thread.

My LO is lovely but only been here 55 hours and I'm starting to wonder when this will get easier?!

Both in hospital andvat home he won't sleep in his cot/basket.

If we pit him on us he falls asleep but cries whenever he is put to bed for sleep, I gave him a dummy which helps but I part feel like it's also keeping him awake? Xx
Have you tried swaddling him? I hear it can work for babies that like to be held.

I don't know the technique for using a blanket (google will be you friend) but you can buy purpose made swaddled for not a lot of money.

Hope you can sort something coz mummy needs her rest too :hug:
Try swaddling him, poor LO must feel so strange being away from you after it had such a nice time in there. I also heard about putting in its crib a blakie that you sleep before with it so it can smell you there all tge time. Sth like the puppies :p

How are you feeling in rest?
I agree hunny try swaddling him, that was the only thing that worked with Elexia when she was a few weeks old. If you do this during the night and just cover him with a blanket in the day time it will help to distinguish day and night at an early age and help prevent them getting it mixed up.
Congratulations again hunny :) x x
Hi hun, I had the same problem. Try swaddling, putting muslin square that you slept with etc but I have to say nothing worked for me, I just had to wait for him to grow out of it. Does he sleep in his pram? Also, is he generally content?
Also does he generally cry when put down?
Aw, he's so tiny it's no wonder he wants to be held! You can try swaddling, but it may be that he needs a couple more days to acclimatise. Enjoy the long cuddles while you can, they're trying to wriggle away before you know it! X
Ahhhh Lil boys just love to be cuddled!!
My son was/ is exactly the same.
I never managed to get him out of it and I still have to give him cuddles when he wakes in the middle of the night now!!
So def try swaddling or you'll be cuddling him for a longtime (still love my cuddles thoug!! but not getting up in the night - he is now 2 1/2 yrs old !!!)
The best advice I had was to roll a towel up and make it into a u shape just big enough that when they're in bed, it goes round their head ad down their bodies! It just helps them feel a bit more snug as they're used to being all squished up! I had teddies with both mine that I slept with for a while whilst still preg ad put in their cots so they could smell me! Katie still has hers now and she's 3!!

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Awww congrats on your LO. Cuddle away I say, he doesn't even know he's not inside you anymore yet. We cuddled oscar all the time when he was newborn :love:
I spent most of first few weeks cuddling, just enjoy it, he's so tiny and wants to know your close. It will get easier don't worry! Kynon a very cuddly baby (think it is a boy thing!) I can put him down for a sleep now, well when I want to anyway lol!
Thanks girls, felt a bit useless last night :( someone bought me a swaddled so I'm gonna try that tonight xxx
GL I hope it works out. Let us know how you get on coz I'm gonna try it too when my LO decides to make an appearance.
I hope Swaddling helps Hun! how ever lovely newborn baby Cuddles are you also need some sleep xx
Newborn babies get very stressed when they're not in direct contact with mum (, that's why they can have trouble falling asleep. I co-slept with our daughter for the first 6 weeks of her life and both myself and my husband noticed that she slept much better in the crook of my arm, directly touching me, than even less than a metre away with no crying, fussing or tossing and turning while asleep.

We gradually introduced the cot at around 6-7 weeks. The cot is directly next to the bed and I can touch her through the bars. I will take her out and co-sleep if she seems anxious or won't settle happily and she will sleep quite well in it now.

So I would recommend not rushing into getting your LO to sleep separately. He'll sleep better with you as it's his only way of knowing that you're around and won't abandon him. You'll both sleep better together :)
Hey lovely,

Idk much, but my cousin loves this product it takes the smell from you and you can leave it will lo.

Congratulations! My MW told me to put a hot water bottle in the crib for a short while before putting the baby down - the heat tricks them into thinking they are being held. Remove the hot water bottle from the crib before putting baby in though. Hope this helps, best of luck!
Enjoy it I would love maisie to give me cuddles all the time but I also was stressed and shhattered when maisie was. Newborn snuggle up in bed and sleep when baby sleeps just keep bubs with you congrats hun xx

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Thanks for your help girls, baby managed to go down at 12pm last night after a feed..and he's still asleep :shock: so hoping he just needed to get used to being in the big bad world the other day! Xxx

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