Baby not eating much yet


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2014
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Gabriella is 7 months now.

We started weaning at 6 months on purée and she wasn't really a fan. I've not introduced BLW which she seems more interested in, but she doesn't seem to eat much.

Is this normal?

Examples of food I give her:

Pasta, broccoli, grated cheese
Philly toast, spaghetti hoops and cucumber

Any tips?

Do you give her those foods whole - it may be that it takes a while to gum them into something to swallow?

I think keep experimenting at this stage, see if you can hit on something she really likes?

Baby yoghurt may be something easy to try out? xx
Hi omg, I was starting to worry zach wasn't eating enough, he is 6 1/2 months and we started at 5 1/2 months. Done blw from beginning. I just keep reminding myself he still gets everything he needs from his milk and the food is just additional at this stage to get him used to it for when he does need it. X
She seems to like everything, just doesn't eat a great deal.

She joined us for a roast yesterday and tucked in but most of it went everywhere but in her tummy!

Will keep persevering...thanks!

Jackson didnt start eating a great deal until his milk feeds considerably dropped. The milk fills them up. Even now I cant give him a bottle before breakfast as he wont eat it. At that age babies dont eat much as theyr pretty depemdant on milk for a while it takes time to gradually switch over.

We started with puree and Jackson just gagged so we just let him do his thing. Blw you just give as is and as theyv no teeth they tend just to mostly taste and explore food at that age.

I dont think ive known any baby at 8m to be eating like a plateful or anythin. Jackson is 2.8 and eating still swings in round abouts, theres days he wont barely eat and days he just eats everything.

Baby will let you know if their hungry most come with a good set of lungs.

Weaning is a scary process and I shit myself constantly incase he starved or choked but now my next fear is potty training and weaning I dont know why I worried :lol:

You will get there.

I did blw from the start and found it to be amazing. Its so beneficial for aiding with speech and fine motor skills.
The baby led weaning book by Gill Rapley and also the recipe book is brilliant.
We used that to start with as there were great recipes and ideas and great info on baby led weaning.
Be careful of hidden salt in most foods.
Things like porridge fingers and pancakes are great and homemade fish cakes.
Roasted vegetables in baton shapes.
The recipe book gave ideas for breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks which very generously fed two adults and a baby and i would say more.
For the first few months most food went on the floor but by the time she was one, she ate heartily and was totally fine.
I only ever gave grapes and cherry tomatoes halved and i didnt give raw apple and carrot for a good while
I would definitely keep experimenting at this stage, even if she refuses something she make go for it the second or third time. Yoghurts could be a good option too?

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