Baby not drinking stomach bug.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Hi ladies harrisons picked up a nasty viral and was sick most of last night out dr told us to half his feeds so 4/5 ounces every few hours which we've done and no food for 24 hours and maybe 1/2puncea of water here and there. My problem is this morning Harrison won't drink his milk or water I'm worried he's still very tired and just not himself so what do I do now? I'm half inclined to just go out of hours now xxx
How old is your little one? Can you get some dioralyte and make some up, the flavour might encourage him to drink more. Or try some very diluted fruit Juice. My son had gastroenteritis at 10 weeks old and our dr told us to try this along with his normal feeds. Hope he's feeling better soon x
I'd just keep offering the milk and water and keep an eye out for signs of dehydration. If you're worried then perhaps call 111 or ask for a telephone consultation with your doc, I'm not sure an ooh doc would diagnose anything different?
Like others have said just keep offering the milk and other fluids. My daughter goes off her milk when she's poorly. You could maybe try spooning the water for him to see if he will take it like that. Xxx
Good idea - we used a syringe when Jackson was poorly. Tedious but it did work and I felt better knowing he'd had something. Don't fret if he won't take it straight away, sometimes they just won't when poorly
He's 6 months now and he seems perky and bright just not wanting to drink :( thanks ladies ill keep you all posted xxx
Caleb had something similar - he was around 9 months I think at the time. I went to the pharmacist and they told us to avoid the rehydration sachets etc. as they taste disgusting and likely to put them off drinking if anything. They suggested very diluted fruit juice as flavour might encourage them to drink and it also gets some sugars into them for energy. We also started to give water etc. in one of our glasses and that was main thing that got a bit of water into him as he loves being grown up and drinking out of our glasses (and eating off our plates!!)

Hope he perks up soon, horrible when they're like that x
If you are desperate to get fluids into him defo try spooning it or Completely random but my lg loves sucking on her sponges and flannels so could soak a clean one and see if he goes for that, another one that worked for us is sucking on watermelon or orange segments without the pips as went through a spell of just not wanting much at all, Hope he feels better soon x
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Thanks ladies he's had 4oz formula before bed and 1oz water so I'm happy as he seemed rather hungry and really did down it so I'm feeling better just been desperately trying to get him to drink more today and he seems better now he's had the runs a little and been sick xxx

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