Baby Movements


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
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hi girls! Hope you are all keeping well xx

I started to feel my baby move at about 16/17 weeks. then at 19 weeks, si started to feel some pretty strong kicks. since then its gone back to flutters, and only once or twice a day.

What sort of movement patterns did your babys make? I just want to know if this is normal or not. Thanks :)
:wave: :wave: I wondered where you'd got to! :D

My baby only seems to have active periods a couple times a day, normally at meal times! I think it's just lazy as it didn't move very much during the 2 scans either. I can go several hours without feeling a thing. There was a period where I hardly felt anything for about a week around 18 weeks (probably during a growth spurt)
It never kicks very hard apart from when I'm using the doppler, it's more like taps
I blew up my PC :oops:

Mine are all taps, only once or twice has it been any more forceful than that. Ive had 2 kids before, but i cant remember what it was like!

I dont have a doppler. maybe i should just prod my belly? :wink:
Im feeling more as time goes on but she does have quiet spells its probaly just a growth spurt or where baby has moved. Im feeling taps frequently and big kicks mostly evenings. She went through a stage of kicking loads from about 10 - 2 at night but thats passing i think.

Overall i dont seem to have a pattern as it changes all the time.
Yay :cheer:
I started feeling flutter around 13 weeks and for the past week ive been feeling little kicks
My little one doesn't follow a set pattern. Mostlt i get kicks after a cup of coffee!! or in an evening after dinner when I'm sitting quietly. I think he's busy quite a lot but when i'm dashing about I tend not to notice as much.
I felt flutters at 16 weeks, but very little from then until 19 weeks and then suddenly I seem to be able to feel her ALL THE SODDING TIME. Whenever I'm sitting or lying down she's battering me from the inside and I swear I saw a foot poke out of my side this morning in bed :puke:

I put my hand on my bump in bed this morning and she kicked the exact place twice. So I asked her if she was doing it deliberately and she kicked it so hard it knocked my hand clean off. I laughed so much!!!

The sonographer told me I can feel her early because I am quite tiny. That's presumably why my bump looks massive? Everyone was staring at me int he pub last night :oops:
when you say flutters how does this feel????

i cant wait to feel baby kick, hope its soon :D
It was literally like a little flutter (can't think how else to describe it!)... shortly after that I felt her turn over in bed when I turned the opposite way and it felt like my stomach turning over, very very strange feeling!

More recently it feels kind of like bad wind but your belly moves too... hard to describe. Anyway I'm sure you will feel him/her soon :hug:
i hope so, maybe the excitement xmas day mite stir him/her :D
i made a post last week saying exact same thing- my kicks seemed to have gone back to flutters , but just in the last couple 0f days the kicks have returned more than ever! i expect yours will be the same :D
My baby likes peace and quiet. There are kicks for me when I wake up in the morning (after a scare with a bleed a few weeks ago I refuse to get up until I have felt baby kick) and at night when I go to bed, in the bath and at random quiet times in the day.
It feels like bubbles bursting most of the time, which is probably why I thought it was gas up until now! My OH felt it for the first time this morning too, I swear the baby was dancing.
BeckyJ said:
when you say flutters how does this feel????

i cant wait to feel baby kick, hope its soon :D

I likened it to having a small muscle spasm around your lower stomach area :)

If you keep feeling something like that, them's the little kicks :)
Llys said:
BeckyJ said:
when you say flutters how does this feel????

i cant wait to feel baby kick, hope its soon :D

I likened it to having a small muscle spasm around your lower stomach area :)

If you keep feeling something like that, them's the little kicks :)

thats exactly how Id describe it to someone, the spasms get bigger and bigger and then your tummy moves with them LOL
I first felt little pops in my belly, really low down above my pubic bone at 14+6 weeks. Proper kicks started around week 16-17. She's now happy performing the occasional somorsault, but mainly kicks!

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