Baby movement


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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I started to feel baby move about 2 weeks ago. She doesn't move all the time, but it's nice knowing she's there. This weekend, she has hardly moved, only a few times a day. I'm 22 plus 4 today. I've even busy packing this weekend so I wonder if I have just not noticed. How much movement is everyone else getting? Hoping she moves more today when I am back at work.
Hi Hun I went into hospital last night after ringing about reduced and change in movement apparently they have had a lot of this due to heat my little lady has changed position and is using me like a hammock so not really feeling much wish she would change back so I could feel her lots again I have to wait for a phone call now from dau about a scan to check growth I'm 26+3 but measuring. 29 weeks x
I've not been getting an awful lot of movement in general, but nothing much over the last 24 hours or so. I told the midwife last week about my worry that this baby's moving much less than my last, but she said it was nothing to worry about and that all babies are different. 22 weeks is still early for regular movement though - I think I was at least 24 or 26 weeks last time before I had regular kicks on a daily basis.
When I first started feeling movement (in the first month or so) I've go days without feeling anything, especially if I was being particularly active.

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