Baby led weaning?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
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Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried this?
My daughter is coming up to 6 months.
What foods did you try first?
I'm terrified she's going to choke.
Any tips? Thanks xx

We did, it's very messy but fun!

We started with boiled veg like carrot and broccoli and then moved on to proper meals like fish pie with potatoes, risotto etc.

Babies will naturally gag but this isn't choking so try to stay calm when she is eating, easier said than done I know!
Ah okay! Do you cook it so it's completely soft? And can be squeezed etc?
My oldest has purees and she would gag on them so the thought of this terrifies me! Lol
What do you give your little one if you are going out? Xx

We did it, it was brilliant!
We used the baby led weaning cook book for all our meals for ages. Lasagne and beef goulash were little ones favourites from the start, although her very first meal was roast chicken cut into fingers with Brussels, carrots and mash.
Porridge fingers were a favourite too.
My little one is now 4 and eats everything, her favourite snack is olives and cheese.
Grapes were the scariest thing, I left that until 8 months but it was the only time I felt worried, obviously always cut in half, but she struggled with the skins. We got there in the end.
I joined the blw forum too and got some great recipes from there.
The mess got me down a bit but it's been so worth it.
I Let mine play with the cutlery and she was spoon feeding herself yoghurt after a few weeks.
My biggest piece of advice is do not be sucked in by the look of any posh highchair if its not easy clean if you are doing it... I think IKEA cheapies are the way to go. We got a £40 ish Joie highcair from argos (not that-that is expensive but still), it had strap stains within one week, I added DIY strap covers, then bought new straps which were always in the wash, removed the straps permanently, and then cut/ripped off the entire cover because I couldn't get or keep it clean. So now i have the bare bones of a high chair and may as well have bought a cheap IKEA one. You can literally put them in the bath and hose down if needed.

I think that's what I'll get this time!
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Yes to blw and yes to IKEA highchair! Cleans well, travels easily and cushion insert is good.

We started with steamed carrots, and broccoli, avocado, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, toast fingers, pasta twists, cucumber sticks, porridge, cheese. They don't eat much at first so don't worry. It's all about exploring textures and foods as we have them as adults.

Have fun! X
I also found that at some restaurants, they had little wooden high chairs with no tray and my little one at first couldn't reach the table so we bought a fab fold out seat that attached to a normal chair so she could reach.

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