Baby is having a party in my tum!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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I'd much rather have movement than no movement, but blimmin heck is she lively at the moment! :shock:

Some of the movements are actually making me feel uncomfortable, and some make me feel sick! I feel like I am being kicked and punched at all angles, from my belly button right down to the bit by my lady bits when I'm sat down (sorry if tmi)

Last night I had to go for a wee at 3.50am and could I get back to sleep? She was having a whale of the time, I was cuddled into the back of DH and he could feel her kicking into him.

She's v v hyperactive. And she can definately hear stuff. I was chopping carrots yesterday and the noise must have woken her up as she started jumping around. Then she quietened down again, until I started chopping onions.
lol rosieroo! we all love a good party don't we?! mine was rolling around like mad earlier, i often get it as i sit by my desk at work, although not as strong kicks as i imagine you're getting - they're getting stronger every day though!!
Right there with you. It can be a little uncomfy especially when her head is on my bladder :shock:
I've had a couple of kicks that have actually made me jump and a couple where - she must have been on a nerve - my leg flew out sideways without warning.
It is getting to the point where it's difficult to go to sleep. My baby never stops between 4pm - 11.30pm (at least that's when I'm so tired I can't help but sleep). Just when I go to bed is her favourite time of all. :D
I've had a couple of kicks that have actually made me jump and a couple where - she must have been on a nerve - my leg flew out sideways without warning.

Sorry but that did make me laugh :lol: :lol: What an excuse for kicking someone!! :lol:
Hahahaha! Never thought of that. Being thwacked in the bladder as I type!
I love the baby movement his a little wriggler "Stay away from sugary things it goes bonkers" Hipper already, does not every hurt yet, but the bladder kicks feel abit funny keep nipping to the loo, baby likes to thump it I think! Just started to see him kick now too, when I lay down, hes going to be a bruiser I can tell. Still I know it will start to come keen soon!
She is really active in the morning, especially after I've been for my first wee (sorry if tmi).
I normally get out and then get back in to bed again and she has a little groove on. This morning I was snuggled into DH's back and she wasn't just kicking she felt like she was doing full on gymnastics. He was laughing at her as he could feel it all. Guess that must be weird for him.
I feel all sad when I read this. I can't feel a single thing and it's getting me down a bit. Not to mention concerning me.
Hey Gem!!!

Do not worry!!! I have only started to feel proper kicks this week, at 27 weeks!!! Before i would feel like small bubbles bursting and was not sure if the baby was really moving!

Now though, he is having a real party at it!!! Sometimes he kicks so strongly that it makes me jump!!! Hey, little bugger knows am talking about him, is starting kicking now :wink:

But do not worry, it only happened to me at 27 weeks and I am wondering if the kicks are going to be stronger, if yes, I will be there for a hell of a time lol He might even bruise me he will be so strong lol
my little poppet has just made me jump! a well aimed kick, the strongest one i have felt so far, right down by the pubic bone! ouch! even my colleagues (there's me and 3 guys in our office, lol!) noticed as i literally jumped and went "ouch"!! must have hit a nerve or something, it didn't really hurt but caught me by surprise!! :D

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