Baby essentials and awesome deals?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
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I thought it would be nice to make a list of things you need or found helpful with previous pregnancys/ births / babies I'm having my second baby and I can't remember anything I need I'm just wandering around baby shops like what do I actually need also I thought it would be helpful if anyone saw any great deals to save mummies and daddies to be any money it would be awesome to help eachother ... I'm planning on breastfeeding but I struggled last time and by the time I got a pump I was too sore to use it so I'm going to buy one before baby is born this time toys r us has a Tommy tippee electric pump for £50 in the sale which I'm going to get I think
I'm just starting to sort my hospital bag:
13 breast pads
5 day pads
4 night pads
Mini shampoo
Mini conditioner
Mini deodorant & roll on
Hand cream
Anti bac gel
Baby far
Lansinoh is a definite if you're breastfeeding - it was like a miracle for my poor boobs in the beginning lol xx
You wouldn't need baby wash in your hospital bag
U shouldn't use anything other than water on baby !
U shouldn't use wipes or anything when changing nappies
Just cotton wool!
I'd take at least a whole pack of maternity pads - you get through them quickly! Also, I agree about not using any products on baby's skin when they are newborn - plain water is safer for their skin.
I'd take at least a whole pack of maternity pads - you get through them quickly! Also, I agree about not using any products on baby's skin when they are newborn - plain water is safer for their skin.
It was just something I got as a freebie in a baby mag so popped it in. I'll take it out!x
i think maternity pads are on 3 for 2 on boots actually I did my shop the other day online for stuff like that and pretty sure they are!
make sure you sign up to parenting club to get 10 points per £1
I didn't use it on baby skin straight away but I Did after a few weeks. He's never suffered, used baby wipes from week 2 too
I'd take at least a whole pack of maternity pads - you get through them quickly! Also, I agree about not using any products on baby's skin when they are newborn - plain water is safer for their skin.
It was just something I got as a freebie in a baby mag so popped it in. I'll take it out!x

It's up to you but I just think don't make life harder for yourself! You don't actually have to bath a newborn straight away - top and tailing is what we did for ages xx
And remember you don't have to bath then every day.

We used to top and tail then a good bath twice a week until week 6 when I could put baby into bath in an angelcare bath seat (this is an AWESOME product btw!) the we went to bathing every night because my little boy got really calm before bed... Now you would honk he was in a shark attach movie lol
Likewise please don't go wasting money on lansinoh. Ask your midwife as they usually have loads of free sample sachets of nipple cream that they will give you if you ask.
Lansinoh is expensive and a tiny bit goes a long way, so there is often no point in buying a tube if your midwife has a few sachets to give you.

Also, milk does not come in until around day 2 or 3 at the earliest (typically it happens between day 3 & 5). Unless you are likely to be staying in hospital a long time you will be unlikely to need breastpads before you get home.
You could manage just taking 2 or 4, I really doubt you'll need any in hospital tbh.
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Just take in what you think you would need :) if you want to buy Lanisoh then buy it. I wouldn't use baby wash though. Just water for the first few weeks x
Andrea I just noticed - 13 breast pads? Do you think one side will leak more?! :lol:

On the subject of breastpads - I tried reusable ones last time, they were rubbish for me. So I went to tesco and bought a huge box of their own brand thinking they're all the same. Tesco own brand were RUBBISH and I still leaked through them/over them/around them. Johnstons breast pads I found far better - my cousin recommended these. Whilst more expensive they were definitely more effective!!

Lansinoh makes awesome lip gloss after apparently if you have too much. Midwives don't always have samples - so don't count on it xx
Tigger I realised once I read it out loud what I put and said the same thing to my OH! I've put another one in to make it 14!xx
I would recommend Lansinoh (sp?) and use it right from the first feed. I'll def be getting myself some again this time.

I used baby wipes with Cam from day one. Hats off to anyone dealing with those first meuconium poops using just cotton wool and water!!

He had his first bath at Just under a week old and we used a Johnson baby wash. He was still in the hospital at this point too. He smelled so scrummy after his bath and his hair went all fluffy and cute!!

This is by no means an essential either but I've been reading about cord ties lately instead of clamps - less to get in the way when dressing/doing nappies etc. NHS won't provide them so it's a case of supplying your own. I'm undecided by this so far though!
If anyone wants cord ties my friend has loads sealed from when she had her own business and is now giving them free. If anyone is interested in them pm me and I will ask her for them and send you them. She has many colour choices too :)

I realise not all midwifes will have lansinoh sachets, but still worth asking before spending money on it yourself :)
Tri-hopping! I got on great with Lansinoh and wouldn't have been without my tube. My milk came in before the first 24 hours was up so I definitely needed breast pads in hospital and was glad I'd packed them. Xx
Same as above. My Advice is pack them incase! Their are lots of lists online of what to pack in a hospital bag. Xx
I never found the clamps much of an issue... And it was hilarious when hubby thought he had broken the baby when it came off while he was changing him.

My hospital bag -
Nip cream, breast pads (1 pk), maternity pads, pack of waterwipes, nappies, breast pump, nipple shield, 15 vests, 10 sleep suits (I may be in s while and rather be over prepared) 2 hats, socks (no scratch mits - pointless) big cotton knickers, few pairs pyjamas, dressing gown, slippers, toiletry bah with absolute basics, makeup, leggings, tops ( I like to get dressed in hospital) camera, charger, kindle. Few bras
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