Baby biting whilst feeding!! Ouch!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Hey so my 8 month old keeps biting me when I'm feeding him!!! And boy does it hurt! He had drawn blood quite a few times!!! Iv tried saying no and removing him. He keeps doing it to the point in thinking of stopping bf. I'm so anxious now when I feed him waiting for him to bite down! What shall I do!!?? V
I feel your pain, I'm having the same trouble with my 11 month old but thankfully not all the time.

No real advice I tried all sorts and nothing worked, just keep using lots of lanolin cream on yourself. My little one has gone through phases of biting since getting teeth. Usually only for a week at a time, it's really bad right now as she's got two bottom and four top teeth

I bled for the first time yesterday, so far my experience of bf has been great but since bleeding yesterday I'm going to start giving my Lo some bottles as the pain was awful.
I found my lg bit more when she was just feeding out of habit rather than actually hungry! She was feeding every 3 hours but obviously didn't need to as some feeds she'd be messing about and would then bite. It is so painful!!!
Yes I ha e found this as well that he will bit when more comfort feeding and playing around!! I have loved breastfeeding and had such a positive experience with it. I'll see if he calms down but can't take the pain of the biting!!
Sure I posted something similar about Bee (can't remember her age though). It was a phase and she is now 14m and still feeds like a trooper - although she only has 8 teeth bless her.

Heh, I was pleased when my baby's first tooth turned up a few weeks ago at almost 14 months. We are at 15 months next week and he has 3 tiny bits poking through (not full teeth yet)

Sadly as soon as the first tooth came through he refused to BF any more :(

I can't believe how sharp baby's teeth are (he draws blood on a bite) so mummies bitten on the nipple you have my sympathies! Xx

Ps my mum said my youngest brother once bit her while feeding & she screamed very loudly and he never did it again!
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