Babies Position


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Hey ladies i was just wondering what position atm your lo tends to be in a mojority of the time i find bean smith lying to the right hand side of my tummy low down as i can always feel his/hers back laying against me. Although i woke up this morning to find the same thing but this time i put my hands on my tummy to feel and felt somthing like a head or a bottom more likely the latter :lol:
My babys been lying transverse since my 20 week scan :( I really hope he moves soon!! He seems to like it lying sideways in my belly lol
My little man has been head down since my 20 week scan, and still in the same position (MW confirmed today) - Bless him!

I still get most movements very low down so must be knees and hands I feel the pelvis also hiccups at least 4 times a day :D
baby brightside likes to be on my left side.. just as i was reading your post he kicked me on the left :lol:
Baby Hearn is a righty, although it seems to be moving closer to centre. I find in morning belly is really hard
ooh Jools - you and MrsB's babies are both lying on the left and they are both boys....maybe the rightys are the girls :dance:
sorry mines a lefty and its a girl!

low down on the left , wiggling about most evenings now days
I thought bubs was going to jump out of my belly earlier lol :lol: Didnt have give me a good kick made me jump :rotfl:
How do you tell which way they are lying? Just going on where they are kicking that thats where their feet are then guess the rest?

I've tried prodding and feeling my tummy and just feel hard bits or squidgy bits but have no idea what it is i'm feeling?

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