aww i miss everyone as well, we seemed to have a really close little group i loved going through the tri's with you all.
Im fine i LOVE being a mum!!! Dylans just started working himself into a routine. hes just realised the difference between night and day. im breast feeding and he feeds every 2 hours during the day, but as soon as night hits thats it hes asleep for 4-5 hours
much needed after the first fe weeks when i had no sleep and thought i was approaching a breakdown and fast!
I love that hes smiling now and that he chats away to anything and everything. typical man loves the sound of his own voice!
The last few weeks i just feel like i really know him. hes not just a baby hes Dylan, a little person with his own personality and charecteristics. Hes also very individual he will quite happily entertain himself for an hour on his playmat which is great as i get to sneak a shower without him noticing. hes quite unsocial though, hes the only baby i know that screams to be put down and left alone hes not a big fan of being overly fussed but still likes his mummy cuddles through the day
Oh and 1 more thing, i had a bath with him yesterday it was great! i had his on my chest and he was doing something wierd - i looked down and he was happily licking water off my chest. So much for sterilising everything lol he was more than happy with my bath water
Sorry to babble on and on, i love talking about and hearing abot babies but acn only do it on here to avoid isolating myself from the outside world so i have to get it all out on here