B12 deficiency


Active Member
Dec 19, 2015
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I've been on b12 injections every 12 weeks for the last 4 years.
I'm currently 11w 3 days and have absolutely zero energy. I know tiredness is normal but the way I feel I'm really worried that b12 is so low. I've just found out that if my b12 levels are still low it can cause problems with the way baby develops in first trimester.

I informed midwife and was supposed to have bloods to check last week. Unfortunately the hospital messed up and I didn't get them. Having this Friday instead.

Has anyone got experience of b12 deficiency beforehand re and during pregnancy. Would really like to here offer people's experiences.

Can you take a supplement? I have some B12 tablets I take occasionally. No idea if I am low/deficient (I doubt it, all my other levels like Iron etc are fine) but I'm veggie/vegan so it's recommended.
I don't respond to taking b12 orally. It's why I have injections. But even before pregnancy I felt that I wasn't getting enough. I will have to see what the results say which could take a while.
I have to have them due to bypass surgery, I had my bloods done last week so just waiting to here if I need one again. They did say being pregnant wouldn't have made a difference to my levels.
I have injections 3 monthly too. If you've been having your injections then your level should be safe enough to not have an effect on the baby xx
I also have these every three months and had my last one on Monday. I asked the doctor before booking to make sure I'd just need the normal dose when pregnant and she said yes nothing needs to change. I'm sure everything's fine and it's just the pregnancy making you tired. On the other hand if you felt it wasn't enough before hand anyway, you might be one of those people who needs it a bit more regularly. I know someone who has to have them every 6 weeks. I'm sure all is well though and at least your booked in for tomorrow so you'll find out for sure soon enough xx

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