Awake, feel sick... Still being sick! :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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Wide awake for about a hour now with bad belly pains, a need to poo and feeling really queezy, and just not right

Got up, thought I needed the loo and threw up, then pooped. Still getting belly pains but not timing them. Still feel sick, don't know if this is it or I'm just sick. My hands STINK of bleach and I feel all shaky and cold

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Could you have a bug? Make sure you drink plenty x
What I thought :-( either way I hate feeling sick! Not as bad now I have been sick though, have just gained a headache and worse backache, seeing the mw at 11 lol x
Wondering how you are feeling now...? Good luck with the MW... Xx
Was sick again at half 7, still got sloppy poop's and got a absolutely banging headache! Hope this isn't a sickness bug :(
Awww... Fingers crossed it's not a bug... :( xx
Someone else has said that too? i don't feel like i'm gonna give birth anytime soon though.
I'm fed up!!

Do you think i should be okay seeing the MW? i need to go really to be checked
Awwww you poor thing - do you think it's the start of labour or a bug? :hugs:
Do you feel well enough to get to the MW? Maybe take a bowl in case you feel like throwing up on the way. Otherwise, can you request a home visit? Xx
Aww hun :hug:

See if she can come to you. You don't sound like your in any fit state to leave your house. Also you don't want to be in a waiting room with other pregnant women incase it is a bug. Xxx
i'll see how i feel, will take a bowl with me. Shes usually 30 mins behind aswell :(
I have a friend who felt really sick, and the same day she went into labour. My mw also says you may feel sick when it's starting, due to all the hormones! Hope you feel better soon hun!

Just rang the docs as MW wasn't answering, and they've put a message on her computer to get her to ring me, hopefully she doesn't take too long to get back to me. Bump is still wiggling around like a mad thing so i know hes fine.
Usually when i get an upset tummy / the poops my toddler gets it too, but hes completely fine, so i don't know what to think. the smell of his poop this morning didn't make me feel more sick though, and smell's usually set me off.
been mw, 3/5 engaged, back to my belly, getting tightenings every couple of mins but no pain, still feel sick. not been sick again since half 9. kept half a slice of toast down.
:hugs: know how you feel ive been sick today too and got headache n the most painful backache ever, tightenings quite a bit but nothing i would call labour,

Hope you start to feel better soon, fingers crossed this is the start of things for you xxxx

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