Autism.. Signs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I've been thinking for a long time that my 7yr old has autism.
She's obsessed with dates and can remember my entire family's birthdays immediately when asked. She remembers my phone number even though she's only seen it once.
She writes her times tables up to 14x all the time and is forever making lists for things.
She's never had a creative imagination even as a baby..
She learned to write early (under 2) and developed early (walking at 10months) she's always had random outburst of anger to the point I had to restrain her when she was a toddler.. Now she just goes inside herself and crys with no explaination.
She remembers things from when she was a baby like it was yesterday
She can't hold a conversation
She's rude but doesn't realise she is doing it, and has no consideration for anyone else's feelings no matter how much I try to explain it.
She's never been able to concentrate on anything fully unless it's maths.
She has had glue ear in both ears which is what we thought all her problems were, had her grommets in a couple of years ago but they have come out now.. She seems to not hear me most of the time and I can say her name repeatedly and she won't respond..
She can't sit still for ten seconds even with bribery of money and sweets (lol)
I'm at my wits end with her she just seems to be so rude disobedient and forever sad :( I'm wondering if I've mistaken this for just a selfish 7yr old

Please any advice or anything will help!! I don't want to put her through doctors tests etc unless it's necessary!

I feel I can't cope with her behaviour any more!
She also used to line up coins as a 1yr old and her toys were all in size order on her shelf..
My little brother (7) has aspergers but I don't have a huge amount of knowledge I just know how he works and to how to deal with him iykwim. It might be worth you getting her assessed because her school will need to know. One of the problems my brother had was one day my stepdad gave him pasta in his lunch box but forgot to put a fork in. He opened it and got really upset as he thought he couldn't eat. The school gave him one of their forks to use but it wasn't explained to him and he broke down as he didn't want to 'steal' the fork. He got sent to the headmistress. This isn't the right way to deal with him, making him think he's in the wrong which wasn't good for him as he wasn't he just didn't understand. I know this is going off on a slight tangent and there are others like Lynette who'd probs be able to help you more.

That does sound a but like an ASD, the best thing to do is to ask your GP or HV for a referral to get her assessed, but be aware you may have to push for it - some places it's not very easy to get a refer all for high functioning kids.

Also it's worth reading up on autism to see if there are different ways you could handle her, sometimes just changing one word in a question can make all the difference. Xxx
To be honest hun autism is so complex and varied from person to person the only way to tell is see the doctor, I know a lot of autistic children are said to "live in there own world" be very withdrawn and not very open to people but as I said its a varied illness if your really concerned sids its worth the tests?
She might just be frustrated cos she is smart.

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Thanks ladies
Yeah I always thought coz she was more advanced she got frustrated.. She gets upset and angry when she can't do something the right way
She prefers to read a dictionary than a book.. Prefers non fiction books and history etc.. Would rather visit a museum than a theme park..
I always just thought she was smart and her behaviour problems were down to glue ear but it's made no difference :( I try and talk to her calmly and explain things to her etc but it just doesn't get through. I try and word things so she will understand but it doesn't help.
I would have taken her before but I was going thru courts with their nan and she was accusing me of being a bad mother and if docs just put it down to being a naughty child it will affect things.. Saying that makes me sound so selfish and stupid her happiness comes first I feel like such a failure! My family have no patience and just go nuts at her all the time and I hate it :(
Hun have her school ever picked up on anything? Might be worth talking to her teacher (and previous teachers if you can get an apointment with them) to see what they think?

I hope you get the answers you need x
Tbh her junior school is crap! Her infant school was great and they picked up on her hearing which led to her grommets whereas the gp dismissed my concerns til I had the schools back up.. I think I'll have a word with her teacher and get her to keep an eye on her.. What should she look out for?
Look at how she interacts with other people, especially children. Does she make eye contact when you or others talk to her?

If she's really bright maybe she's just bored and needs a high level of stimulation to keep her mind occupied?
That does sound like aspergers in terms of extremely clever with numbers. OCD that things are done a certain way etc

Maybe ask for a review to see if it is autism etc x
Yeah she always asks me to do spelling tests with her and times tables etc..
Never makes eye contact and can't have a conversation with her
She doesn't understand jokes and can't understand them when explained even simple jokes.. She got a joke book from the library today (she doesn't get the jokes but loves to entertain) and she can't understand any of them :(
She's full of routines mainly small ones like when we visit my mum she has to have egg and bacon.. Like just now she went to the library with my step dad and I put dinner on for her and she got upset coz she wanted egg and bacon.. She ate her dinner and eating egg and bacon now.. Friday night is 'cinema night' and we eat popcorn and watch a film downstairs and she hates it when we don't have time or she hasn't behaved well enough for it.
It's minor things but still there.. She doesn't arrange things much anymore.. She used to have to have her pencils in colour order and they had to be up the same way.. When I shower her we do body first then hair and I tried doing her hair first and she went mad demanding her body was washed first. I've always been into routines myself and think its something she picked up on.
Like I said its always minor things with her now but when she was younger it was more prominent.
Every Saturday morning she makes a list of all the things we could do that day..
It's more the distancing herself and misbehavior that's a concern for me now.. She acts like she can't hear most of the time.. If she has something to say she has to say it even when I'm talking about something else to her she's in her own world and thinks about what she wants to think rather than listen to me and says what she thinks.. If I don't let her get it out she gets upset.
I don't know whether she's just bright and disobedient at the same time.. I don't want to punish her for this when she can't control it..
Thomas is autistic but from what your describing it sounds like aspergers but it's so complex I would see your hv or gp before you work your self up too much babe xxx

I would speak to dr Hun does sound like there maybe something going on with her but like the girls have said it is such a big area and I massive scale !!! Xxx

sounds like aspergers to me hun. highly intelligent, set in certain routines, massive memory for dates and items of trivia, poor social skills and lacking in emotional empathy are all massive flags for the condition.psychiatrists really look for the absence of eye contact too when diagnosing. girls are rarer than boys to have it but tend to be better at learning to cope with it too and emulating the social interactions of others. google del harries as he does a lot of training for care organisations round here on autism and aspergers and will respond to emails if you want to ask him anything.
I agree with bev Hun, u need to find out as my step sisters boy has aspergers, was in a normal
Primary school and was really unhappy, he's now moved to a school where they specialise and he is thriving xx
What's aspergers? I'm totally clueless when it comes to things like this :(
She appears to be a bit dyslexic too with her writing.. She can read fine but her spelling is awful.. She spells words like they sound.. She struggled to read for a long time and hated having to read her books for school she used to cry when it was time to read coz she struggled so much :(
Aspergers is an autistic spectrum disorder, put very simply it's the mildest form of autism. Suffers have difficulty with social interaction, things like reading people's emotions etc, but still have good language skills, and cognitive abilities. Xxx
She does sound just like a friend of mine from school with aspergers. He still gets very fixated with things, Facebook is the main one these days. Google it for a quick read and see if it still sounds like her x

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