Aspirin 75mg daily.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I am classed as high risk this time as my placenta failed at 28 weeks with my little boy.
I went for my 20 week scan yesterday & have been put on 75mg aspirin daily for the rest of my pregnancy, I was told it was nothing to worry about and that its just a safety precaution. I didnt know i was actually diagnosed with pre eclamapsia in my last pregnancy until yesterday, also that the blood flow had reduced to baby through the umbilical chord. The thing i'm worried about this time is that isnt aspirin used as a blood thinner therefore when i do eventually go into labour will there be a increased risk of heavy post partum bleeding? Also, i have variouse veins and my legs have become very sore to the point it feels like the veins are going to explode and circulation seems to be rubbish in my feet. Will the aspirin help my blood flow better as im in that much pain with them atm they feel snapped

I'm not too sure about your veins in your legs, I can imagine the aspirin will help.

In regards to when you go into labour, the docs should have mentioned to you that it is only to be taken up until 34 weeks. That way your blood will not be so thin before your due date although I think the risk of heavy post-partum bleeding is minimal.

I too, am taking aspirin due to my BMI. I am 24 weeks and have not yet had any symptoms of pre-eclampsia but I am intrigued as to how you knew your placenta failed at 28 weeks, did you go into early labour? Thank you
I took aspirin 75mg right up until I gave birth, under the guidance of my consultant. I was absolutely fine, no heavy bleeding or anything.
I'm not sure if it will help with your veins though x
I have been to the gp today regarding my veins and have been told to wear compression tights for the rest of my pregnancy. So will get some next time i am out
I'm on aspirin as well and was told to take it until birth but every consultant is different x
I've to take mine until birth also x
I have now been taken off mine and they are going to keep a close eye instead as I become really poorly after being on them just 2 days and couldn't breathe properly. Turns out I'm asthmatic. It's all fun and games this pregnancy

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