

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I am so pee'd of!

Harlow has had me up all frickin night! I am exhausted! I know that mummies on here have had a lot less sleep than me lately so I do apologise for the rant!

I had her into a routine and she had started sleeping from 8 until 4.30, then had a feed and slept till 8! Last night she had me up every single half hour.

OH is shattered too. He has been spending his evenings at the hospital with his nan who sadly took her last breath yesterday afternoon so a good nights sleep would have been lovely to just be able to actually shut down our thoughts and upset for atleast a few hours! But oh no, madam here decided its time to play havoc!

I have just given her calpol and she's shut up, she's showing signs of teething but at 14 weeks old already?? Really? Could it be a growth spurt? Do they happen at 14 weeks? I don't understand what is up with her!
She could be teething, Georgia and larly's Henry have both been at it since 7weeks.

I thought a growth spurt tended to make them sleep more, not less. Xxx
Maybe she picked up on something being wrong I believe kids that young know. My lo was about 4 month when he got his first tooth tho so there is a chance maybe teething

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Maybe she picked up on something being wrong I believe kids that young know. My lo was about 4 month when he got his first tooth tho so there is a chance maybe teething

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I was gonna say that about picking up on it!

I feel your pain! Lo got up at 2am with trething and we've been on the sofa ever since :)
Maybe she picked up on something being wrong I believe kids that young know. My lo was about 4 month when he got his first tooth tho so there is a chance maybe teething

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I was gonna say that about picking up on it!

Me too. They feed off the emotions of those closest to them, it's a survival technique apparently

Sorry for your loss hun :hug: xxxxxxxx
:( it could be both, Charlie's been up every hour from 11 last night n got up at 6, his first tooth has come through bit he's still getting up loads x
This sounds stupid but does anybodies little ones have loads of white and hard spots on their gums? She has loads of white spots on them so I'm inclined to think this is normal and not teeth, she has them where we get our fangs on either side and along the bottom front gum.

We both finally got to sleep then for an hour and some ass wipe rang the house phone and has woken us both up! Crying has started up again!

On a more positive note, I had a nice dream about Jacob from Twilight taking his top of during the short hour of sleep I had!! Yummy!
I found that harrison got a pain in the arse at that time, he still is being a nightmare at nights now, if you read the wonder weeks it really explains how they are developing so much at the moment that their brains are on overdrive and they cnat sleep. Also their brains grow in their light sleep so they have more of this and therefore wake up more often!! Its ment to mean that you have a very clever baby!! Not sure about teething as I have found that it will come and go as the little teeth have a push up every now and then and not a constant iyknwim!!
Hope tonight is better!!
hmmm it does sound like teething, believe it or not kayden started at 8 weeks, some babies start sooner, so no time is too early, is she showing signs like hands in mouth, loads of slabbering? It could be thrush?? Not sure what you mean about spots on gums. Does it very very lumpy on the gums like teeth are just about to pop our or is it actual spots?

Sometimes they just go thro phases like this, takes us by surpise when we get used a good routine.

Oh and they def sense when something is up, even if she doesn't see you upset or anything, she'll still sense it. They can tell when your not quite as happy as you normally are.


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