Approaching 2yr ttc


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2011
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Hi ladies, it's my last cycle before I hit the 2 year ttc mark. If I don't catch this cycle which I just don't have any hope for I am going to go to the doctors again. I'm approaching my 35th birthday now and getting a bit concerned due to my age.

Because I have had 2 MCs (last one in March) I'm worried they may fob me off, what do you guys reckon? Would they normally make me wait another year after last mc or would I be entitled to some sort of help now? I've not had any help or tests at all yet.

They shouldn't fob you off, guidelines are to investigate after ttc 6m if you are around 35. Hopefully, all the moving and investigations will land you with a sticky bfp, often the weird way of it. Your gp should at least offer you the basics like day 1-3 bloods, day 21 bloods, ultrasound scan and oh semen anaylsis.

Did you ever try reflexology? I started it last year, and I'm sure its helped me keep "relaxed", never managed this before having it, unsure what else its done, but love it! I'm crediting my reflexologist with how quickly i got bfp this last time - used to take me 5-6 months, but this one was second cycle.

Oh, and see if they'll check your vit d levels, theres loads of stuff out there about vit d being improtant for fertility and preventing mc.

Thanks for replying Fliss, you're always so helpful :) It will only be 4.5 months since my last bfp, but it feels like forever. Feel a bit silly posting this now seeing as loads in here have been waiting so much longer. Maybe I should wait a couple of months until its at least 6 months past. Think I'll start to take a Vit D supplement anyway. Xxxx

Oh and will look into the reflexology thing too! I did think about it a while back but never did anything about it x
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NO you dont,
2 years is a very long time to have been trying with no help. You get to the doctors and make it clear what you want I think the guidance is only 1 year about 35 for trying before help and so get it done the sooner you go the sooner they can help you.
You can do it. Dont tkae no for an answer now.
big hugs youve had so many up and down cycles and some very hard pregs and you deserve some help bringing your child into the world.
x Daisy

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