Appointment with the nurse today


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Hey girls :wave:

Well I went to see the nurse practitioner today as I am 11 days late and keep getting negatives on HPTs. She was very nice and said that it could be a number of things. She has given me the form for a blood test at the hospital for next Friday unless Af turns up before then.

She said maybe the hCG is not present in my urine in which case it should show up in my blood results. She also said, which I thought was really interesting, that after a long period of taking the pill your body can sometimes revert to a normal, even cycles for a number of months before then going a bit crazy and resulting in much longer and irregular cycles. As I have had exact 32 day cycles since coming off the pill and am now 11 days late, i think that is what must have happened for me.

She also said that the dull ache I experienced might just have been my ovaries reacting to not being on the pill and same with the bloating.

I feel pleased that she was so helpful and really listened to what I said. I didn't feel like she tried to dismiss what I'd say and she gave me an explanation that I found quite feasible. So in my opinion, the NHS rule :cheer:

I am not really disappointed that I'm not pregnant. Well I suppose, I still could be but I think it is more likely that my body is getting adjusted to being off the pill.

So I am just now looking forward to AF starting so I can hopefully get back to knowing where I am and TTC :D I just thought I'd post this in case anyone else is going through the same thing :D
She sounds great - they should clone her and send her around to all the surgeries in the UK. :D

Glad you're getting somewhere - hope you either get that bfp or a regular cycle for next month :hug:
She does sound fantastic.

And I agree with what she said.

After coming off the pill my periods were exactly 28 days for a few months and now they are getting longer and longer :roll:

:hug: :hug:
Thanks girls :D I shall put in a request for her to be cloned ;)

That is interesting that you are experiencing it too monster_munch :D Are your cycles getting longer by much i.e. a couple of days each month?

Oh almost forgot, she also said if I experience any shooting/severe pains in my abdomen to go straight to casualty as it may be an ectopic pregnancy. Although she felt my stomach and said as I wasn't very tender, she didn't think that it was the case.
So far it has only been a couple of days a month increase.

30 the month before last (up from 28) and 32 last month.

Got a few faint +'ives last months and thought I might have had a chemical PG, but not thinking they were a dodgy batch and it is just what your nurse mentionned,

Problem is I have banked on this month being a 30day cycle so I can test in 5 days but if it is a 32 or even 34 day, I have ageeees to wait.

Wow well i wish there were nurses like her for all of you!
Hi Mildly,

Sorry you still dont have your bfp but your nurse sounds fantastic!
I think this is what has happenend for me too - the first 3-4 after finishing the pill were very even but now they are sooooo long!
Thanks for sharing your nurses advice! :hug:

Fingers crossed for a late bfp in case

Clarey x
Oh, wow wish we had nice nurses like that here. Hopefully you will get an answer soon then.

Thinking about it, my cycles did get longer after coming off the pill as I'm now on 38 day cycles.
Thanks for replying girls :D

I'm glad a lot of you have had increasing cycles. Mine were 32 for the first three months and this month 44 (and still counting!) :lol:

I guess I may still have a chance for a BFP but I'm not counting on it. Although having said that I am still testing everyday but I think that is just habit now :rotfl:
At least you had a positive response and if Af doesnt come get that blood test!!!!! :D
Thanks hun :D I'm sure it is just general cycle weirdness but I would like to get to the bottom of it!
sorry it wasn't a bfp. It must be nice to know that there are nurses out there who know what they're talking about and care. Good luck for next month :hug:

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