anyone who had LONG first labour?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
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What was the second one like. Been told by mW time is usually halved second time round. First one was 50 hrs. Waters broke at midnight then had him 2am 2 days later. Was all very painful and exhausting.

Thanks, getting myself all worried which is silly as nothing I can do about it but hoping to have a better time bof it this time as at least I know what to expect :oooo:
I was in labour about 30 hours with my first. Like you waters broke early hours of morning and then had him at 9.45 the following morning. My second labour was much shorter at approximatey 6 to 7 hours and I was already 6cm dilated when I got to hospital xx
I have only had one labour and it was also 50 hours!

My sis and both SIL's all had long first labours (all oddly needed intervention as well - forceps, ventouse etc) and all went on to have lovely, quick and natural second births :lol:

I hope mines shorter!! My hind watwrs broke sunday 4am and had him 7.12pm monday eve by emergency c section! I wanna pop this one out if possible!! Pmsl xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Mines wasnt too long - 12 hours but my second was 2 hours!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I'm on my second pregnancy. My first went on for 54 hours, my contractions started at 10pm Saturday eve and my son never arrived til 4am on the Tuesday. By Monday afternoon I'd had enough and had to have an epidural! I said to my midwife this week that I'm definitely going to have another epidural and she said that I might not have time this time around which has made me a little more anxious! If it does halve then I will still be in labour a good day - plenty of time for an epidural me hopes!!!! Xx
Much the same as mentioned above, first labour went on for 3 days, very painful and exhausting! This time I was in slow labour for a couple of days, but wasnt too painful and was able to carry on as normal and even sleep. Once waters went they came thick and fast and it was 7 hours from then till when baby came. I had an epidural this time as I was desperate for one last time but I couldn't have it, and that slowed me down a bit. Midwife said it prob would have been about 2 hours less if I'd not have had it. Have absolutely no regrets though, was nice to feel more alert and in control. Xx
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1st was 42hrs from start to finish with loads of pain relief, an epidural and an episiotamy and forceps delivery. 2nd was induced 13 days late and was 3.5hrs start to finish, completely natural, no pain relief what so ever!
1st was 42hrs from start to finish with loads of pain relief, an epidural and an episiotamy and forceps delivery. 2nd was induced 13 days late and was 3.5hrs start to finish, completely natural, no pain relief what so ever!

Apart from the 13 days late bit id like this kind of labour for my second lol

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I was induced with my first - pessary in at 5pm one day, waters broke 3 hours born 2.24pm next afternoon.

second baby i went into natural about 1.30am and had her 1.30pm that afternoon :)
1st labour hind waters broke sunday morning - induced by drip due to failure to progress, excruciating pain had epidural and ventouse delivery, had my son Tuesday early hours.

2nd labour - the perfect labour. Pain free - waters broke 4.30am, arrived at hospital 5.30am, had her at 6am. Delivered a 9lbs 7oz baby very quickly with just a tear which didn't hurt at all :)
For a quick labour this time :) xMy first was 21 hours and felt like forever!!! Im really hopin

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