I had pre-eclampsia at 28 weeks. I saw my doctor for something not pregnancy related, she took my bp while I was there and then sent me straight over to the hospital. They scanned me and attempted to take some blood (many times) before sending me off in an ambulance to another hospital. Once there I had a caesarean within a couple of hours.
Luckily my daughter was born in good condition and went from strength to strength, we've had absolutely no problems as a result of her being early, other than being a bit small for her age.
We've had more problems with other people, like health visitors who have desperately tried to refer us to nutritionists because she was on the 0.4th centile. Shoe shops who have very snottily told me that walking shoes aren't made for babies and I should feel ashamed of trying to make my dd grow up too fast (she was 18 months old and wanted to walk outside sometimes).
This pregnancy I'm having lots of checks and scans, and I'm on daily aspirin and will be having steroids soon.