Anyone suffered pre-eclampsia?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I was wondering if any of women here suffered/suffer from this and what the treatment they got was? I had some pre-eclampsia at the end of my first pregnancy and they induced me a week early, apart from that I don't remember receiving any treatment other than complete bed rest for a few days before they induced me..
i had pre eclampcia hun, i was induced at 35 + 5 but no other treatment
I had it at the end of my 1st pregnancy, The only treatment i had was daily visits to the hospital for my blood pressure, Complete bed rest and a week trip for the ECG machine to monitor baby.

They gave me a sweep early and i had my little girl 10 days early as my blood pressure was getting higher
not me but a friend had it with her baby girl 6 months ago; she was born at 36 weeks at think, and don't remember her telling me she got any treatment for it. just rest and regular check ups
Hiya, I first got diagnosed with pre-eclampsia at 28 weeks and had to bed rest. I refused to be admitted and had to go to hospital daily to be monitered. Lots of 24hr urine samples. :puke:
(Lived right next to the hospital, don't think they advise this- I'm a bad patient!)
Was admitted at 30 weeks as blood pressure was too high and protein levels were on the up...
Was prescribed Lobitalol (sp) for high blood pressure and then Jonah was delivered by emergency C section at exactly 32 weeks when my liver and kidneys started to fail. They did induce me 1st but labour was taking too long.

There was never anything wrong with Jonah, I was what he was trying to do to me that was the problem. Little monkey.
As soon as I delivered my blood pressure went down and I was fine within a couple of days. Jonah was in SCBU for 3 weeks and then in normal hospital for 3 weeks. Home before his due date.
I had pre-eclampsia at 28 weeks. I saw my doctor for something not pregnancy related, she took my bp while I was there and then sent me straight over to the hospital. They scanned me and attempted to take some blood (many times) before sending me off in an ambulance to another hospital. Once there I had a caesarean within a couple of hours.

Luckily my daughter was born in good condition and went from strength to strength, we've had absolutely no problems as a result of her being early, other than being a bit small for her age.

We've had more problems with other people, like health visitors who have desperately tried to refer us to nutritionists because she was on the 0.4th centile. Shoe shops who have very snottily told me that walking shoes aren't made for babies and I should feel ashamed of trying to make my dd grow up too fast (she was 18 months old and wanted to walk outside sometimes).

This pregnancy I'm having lots of checks and scans, and I'm on daily aspirin and will be having steroids soon.

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