Anyone seeing in 2008 in the 2 Week Wait? Sending BabydustxX


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Nov 6, 2006
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Anyone else in the 2ww?
Have we got lots of symptons?
I have major CM and cramping issues this cycle, hoping it's a good sign, but feeling quite relaxed and not done any ovpk's so no idea when I ovulated, if I even did, but dieing to poas :lol:

I'm waiting already poas but not the answer I was looking for- holding off to do next one.... why can't we just find out straight away?? :evil:

Good Luck!!

Well I should have OV'd either 26th or 27th but I'm not sure 'cause I haven't used OPK's this time either. Had a few OV pains on the 26th and some creamy CM for a couple of days b4 that so think I have OV'd :dance:
Just BD'd every other day since AF left so hopefully have done enough, not had time to dwell on it this time though which is a good thing.
What is a bit unusual is the fact I noticed the CM which I never usually do so hoping thats a good sign too :pray:
Good luck ladies :cheer: :cheer:
Yep, no drinking for me! My ticker is all out so basically I OV'd on Xmas Day I think! Not sure if we caught it as we BD'd Xmas Eve AM and Xmas Day PM but in between we were at my parents' so it was a bit tricky!!

MrsD1 there's nothing wrong with poas addiction, its just those darn results we don't want to see, I agree it's a long wait each cycle :hug:
Very promising signs there Skairdy :pray: :cheer: :pray:
Sounds like good odds you caught it too Rosebay :hug: :pray: :hug:
Don't know if I OV'd on the 20th-21st or 24th-25th, so not sure what's due when but got sore boobies and cramps :D

Lots of babydust ladies
Well i got a positive OPK on christmas eve and we BD'd the night before christmas eve and christmas day evening so i am hoping we caught the little eggy :pray:
Yep Im still waiting and will be til at least the 3rd. Redshoes Im having the same symptoms as you! Had loads of cramping last night, i think Im 9 DPO now, so Im praying that was implantation. I also have very sore boobs still and alot of creamy CM, so Im hoping these are all good signs! I seem to have loads of spots all of a sudden though. I hope that doesnt mean AF is on her way. If she is then shes very early, especially as I ovulated on day 16 this month, so she shouldnt really get here til 5th Jan.
yep im in the 2ww... having a sober new year, went for a few drinks on thursday night, i was quite drunk but in comparison to how i have been it was nothing - i then proceeded to vomit all through the next day which was lovely!

fingers crossed its a good sign, only time i've ever been actually sick from drinking i was pregnant but only about 3 dpo - i just hope its my bodies way of telling me to lay off the alcohol! i want a BFP!

Fingers crossed for all of us

Joining the 2ww also!!
Think I'm around 1-2 PO.
Trying not to ss yet!! :rotfl:
Fingers crossed they are pregnancy signs Loola and elviedee :pray: :hug: :pray:
Be strong Solo :lol: :hug: I've already POAS :rotfl:
I'm having a wee dram tonight, I felt sick for a few days but so has OH and Isaac's not too well today so don't think this is our month, think I've just got a bug :( Still, if the drink doesn't go down well it may be a sign, went right off alcohol with Isaac, it was one of my first sypmtons :)

Have a fantastic New Year's Eve, and forget about 2007, we WILL get our BFP's in 2008 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
How are we all this morning?

Good thing about being in the 2WW on NYE is no hangover today :dance: :dance: Rob's didn't get to bed till 6am, his dad came down and he loves his booze and finally got in a taxi just b4 6am lol. I went to bed at 2.30 but feel fine this morning. Rob's still in bed :sleep:

No symptoms for me apart from my tea still doesn't taste right lol. Really don't think I'm going to hold out till the 18th to test if AF doesn't show. Wanted to wait till I was a week late but I'm going to have to admit theres not a chance in hell :rotfl:

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