anyone had anything similar? any advice will help!!!!! confused woman over here!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Hey guys....I'm really not sure where to post this....

I understand that no one can diagnose me and I have an appointment at GP for Wednesday morning but in the mean time I wondered if anyone else out there has had a similar experience to maybe help me stop panicking!*

Recently I've been unwell (pneumonia and strep throat) I was prescribed amoxicillin 500mg for 7 days and I finished the course. Because i took the antibiotics i got thrush!! :'( My period was 3 days late by this time. I tested negative. I used a pessary for the thrush and it has cleared. Anyway...I'm started getting pains in my right side....where I would imagine my ovary Is? It starts suddenly and lasts for 10-20 seconds then may be a minute in between these pains or it may be hours. Nothing I do seems to trigger it...they're completely random. I'm now 8 days late, seems to be getting the pain more. Just generally getting a bit freaked as a close friend of mine had an ovarian cyst and it was rather traumatic. I've had thrush before but not had these pains? I've only even been 3 or 4 days late.

Anyone else had something similar? Could it be to do with the thrush? The illness?*

Anything you say will help, thanks guys.
Hi, they could be ovulation pains? You might be ov'ing really late due to being run down with the flu and thrush etc x
I would agree with fairyprincess, I was going to say it does sound like ovulation pains. I hope it is and you recover quickly from the illness

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