Anyone good at charting?


Nov 29, 2016
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Hey, I'm a bit confused by my cycle this month and wanted to ask if there's someone I could message to possibly get some clarity?
Well, today is day 30 of my cycle, and my cycles are usually around 30 days, but range from 27 to 32.
Usually from day 12 to 14 I have a large amount of EWCM. Is it safe to assume that I ovulate on the last day wih lots of EWCM or is it usually the day after?
Anyways, this month has been different. On day 14 I had a little EWCM, but not very much and definitely less than usual. My husband and I BD on day 13 and 14.
A few days later, I started getting lots of creamy/lotion CM, and then on day 22 to 24, EWCM! I don't think I've ever had that so late, and never twice in one cycle that I can remember
On days 27 and 29, I got a BFN. Last night and this moning, I decided to check my cevix for the first time. It was very hard and low.
Now, my biggest question is, do these sound like pregnancy symptoms or like a normal cycle with possible delayed ovulation?
Thanks so much for your help!
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Honestly it could be either.. unfortunately pregnancy symptoms and regular AF symptoms can be very similar--which is why we all drive ourselves mad with symptom spotting during the tww. Do you track your temperature? That's the sure-fire way of knowing when you ovulate and extremely useful when you have irregular cycles (I can range between 25 - 38 day cycles). The only definitive answer is doing a pregnancy test. EWCM doesn't always mean ovulation, though it is a common sign for many women. And I've read about plenty of women who get ewcm followed by a bfp! I think you're going to have to wait this one out to find out exactly what's going on. Best of luck!

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Thanks for the encouragement! This has been our first month trying, so everything is still new to us with tracking, etc. I started tracking my temperature today in case this isn't the only cycle we'll be trying during..

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