Anyone gone through the same?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2011
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Hi everyone.

Myself and partner have decided to start thinking about a family. I have an appointment on friday to have my coil removed and get a general MOT of 'down there'. What is everyones experiences once you have had the coil removed? I'm expecting a bit of pain and bleed!! And how long was it until you were fertile? We are planning to just see what happens but are hoping to have a wedding in beforehand all being well.

I'm so desperate to have a little one!
I'll keep you posted had my coil removed yesterday also. Have a little bpink discharge but that's about all x
I'll keep you posted had my coil removed yesterday also. Have a little bpink discharge but that's about all x

Did you get a massive blob of thick white mucus later on? TMI sorry!
Since that 'blob' haha I haven't had anything at all.... Was expecting some sort of 'disturbance' sign!
I guess everyone is different. Just hoping that this is a proper period and my cycle gets back on track quickly. Which coil did you have?
I had a copper coil, after removal I had a tiny bleed but it was nothing. I fell pregnant 3rd cycle get that. If you have the copper cool your fertility returns as soon as its removed
I had a Jaydess, after having a quick read it says fertility returns to normal as soon as it's been removed ��
I had a mirena :) hoping we caught the moment it came out as I've had sicky feeling today and cramps!
Testing on Feb 14th! Don't want to run the risk of a disappointing BFN before as I'm set in my head on the 14th itl be a BFP! You? Xx
I'm still waiting for AF to finish. So if my cycle goes back to its usual 28 days it should be around 27th.
What a romantic factor get a BFP. Fingers firmly crossed for you xx

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